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Buy LRC + LMC + MR for necromage

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  • Buy LRC + LMC + MR for necromage

    im looking for gorget, sleeves, leggings and gloves with LRC no less than [17] and with mlc no less than [6] and every single item must be with [2]mana regeneration
    AND I DO NOT CARE ABOUT RESISTANCES if u got somethin let me know!
    Ultima modifica di uogatis; 30-07-2008, 18:48.

  • #2
    6. Chiedere al Threader di contattare la persona extra-forum o viceversa (esempio pratico nello [SCAMBIO] in cui un pg chiede al Threader di contattarlo Extra-Forum per trovare un accordo). Pena: edit del post più, a discrezione del moderatore, sanzione di 1gg di jail full Account.
    Non puoi chiedere contatti extraforum.
    nessuna sanzione ma leggi regole

    Signed Lord_Of_Cove
    Ultima modifica di Lord_Of_Cove; 31-07-2008, 17:09.


    • #3
      What is forbidden in every thread:

      1. Not using an allowed tag in the thread title: [ASTA] ([AUCTION]), [VENDO] ([SALE]),[COMPRO] ([BUY]), [PUBBLICITÀ] ([ADVERTISING]), [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]), [GAME]. Lower cases, non squared parenthesis, union of 2 or more tags are not allowed (for example a TAG like this or other combinations are not allowed: [COMPRO/SCAMBIO]). Penalty: Thread closure.
      If you dont apply rules, you will take a lot of sanction.

      Read Me.
      Lista dei Punti di Xorina
      icq 112740352


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