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market rules

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  • market rules

    In this kind of thread the thread author can advertise its in-game vendor or an on request service (for example "I sell leather on request").
    The 72 hours term for item deliver/retrive is not valid in this kind of thread.

    Specific rules:

    1. You MAY specify what you are promoting.
    Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

    2. You may write a monetary evaluation of the items traded in the thread.
    Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.
    first. may is may. it means if i want i do, if i not so not. learn language before using it.
    second what the stupidity to write prices in advertising a vendor?! if i can change it every day or even can write in forum 1gp and on vendor it's 1kk in real. or if 125 items on vendor for different prices.

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
    first. may is may. it means if i want i do, if i not so not. learn language before using it.
    second what the stupidity to write prices in advertising a vendor?! if i can change it every day or even can write in forum 1gp and on vendor it's 1kk in real. or if 125 items on vendor for different prices.

    1) May indicates what you are permitted to do.
    May not indicates what you are not permitted to do.

    2) stupidity suggests that if you promote a good you have to write a price for it because it can be traded via vendor or not.
    Without pricing it would be a nice way out from VENDO or COMPRO rules.

    EDIT: next time contact me via PM or ICQ to point out oher "errors".
    Ultima modifica di DrackStaff; 07-04-2009, 14:12.


    • #3
      In effetti ha ragione


      • #4
        Magari un MUST li dentro ci sarebbe stato meglio, sennò sembra arbitraria la cosa, se voglio lo scrivo sennò no quindi non può esserci sanzione


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da delarge Visualizza il messaggio
          Magari un MUST li dentro ci sarebbe stato meglio, sennò sembra arbitraria la cosa, se voglio lo scrivo sennò no quindi non può esserci sanzione
          nella lingua comune è usato must per indicare un dovere imperativo ma nei testi con valenza legislativa è prevalentemente usata la forma may con lo stesso significato.


          • #6
            may = modal can
            same modal must = have to, to be to
            may not = must in any terms


            • #7
              anyway this topic is not about english gramar.
              sorry for my some previous rudeness.
              just return rules about "pubblicita" as it was before not to f minds of people that adverise vendors. another point of useless is providing contact info in thread that advertises a vendor.


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