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E questo chi è?!?

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  • E questo chi è?!?

    Mi è stato segnalaton che bazzica un clone di ImaNewbie in giro per Britannia.

    Vabbè, sarei l'unico autorizzato ma avrei cmq piacere di conoscerlo, magari nasce un amicizia.

    Se leggi qui, o qualcuno ti conosce, se sei questo pg contattami su ICQ (204772730) o via MSN (

    Italian Spaghetti Sci-Fi Web Series: Vincent Kosmos The Time Thief

    Facebook Fan Page

  • #2
    Re: E questo chi è?!?

    Originally posted by Lord Cain
    Questa la seconda mail che TRYON, creatore di mi inviò un pò di tempo fa, e che mi autorizza a rappresentare ImaNewbie, il suo personaggio, nei server italiani di UO.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: (indirizzo oscurato per privacy)
    Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:46 AM
    Subject: RE: Dear Tryon

    Hi, I don't have the original email that I sent you but here's what I would be prepared to authorize. That you are allowed to represent ImaNewbie on the italian unofficial shard only under the following conditions. 1. That you represent ImaNewbie with respect and do not do anything that would bring disgrace to the real ImaNewbie. 2. That if anyone asks if you are the real ImaNewbie or Tryon (that is, the person who runs the ImaNewbie web site) that you will tell them No, but that you are representing the character with my permission. If you agree to the above conditions, then go ahead and have fun later... Tryon (aka ImaNewbie)
    Italian Spaghetti Sci-Fi Web Series: Vincent Kosmos The Time Thief

    Facebook Fan Page


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