Hey guys, if you do not mind to share script with me and others whom that one will be useful and helpful. Very appreciate that.
I had that script before, a long time ago
It was working like:
Scanning buffbar L-shaped, and once it identifies Blood Oath then the war mode is turned off immediately
The old script looks like:
; Script Name: Anti Blood Oath
; Author: Felix
; Version: 3
; Client Tested with: 6.0.13
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.148
; Shard FS: UODreams
; Public Release: 27/07/2009
; Purpose: turns off war-mode, whan blood oath
; Requirments: ScanBuffBar
set %BloodOathScanDelay 250
;;;;;;;DON'T EDIT
set %InOldOath #false
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime
set %EndTurningOffWar 0
set %OathId xxyyxx
if %InOldOath && ( #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar || #enemyid = %OathId ) && G in #charstatus
if #enemyid = %OathId
finditem %OathId G
if #findtype = IS && #findrep = 6
event property %OathId
if revenant in #property
set %OathId xxyyxx
if #systime > %EndTurningOffWar && #enemyid = %OathId
event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH2
set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
while #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar && G in #charstatus
event macro 6 0
set %nexttoggle #systime + 300
while #systime <= %nexttoggle && G in #charstatus
sleep 10
if #systime >= %NextBloodOathScan
gosub AntiBloodOath
sleep 20
goto loop
sub AntiBloodOath
if G notin #charstatus && %InOldOath = #false
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay
Call ScanBuffBar
set %oathed _CurseBloodOath_ in %BuffBarIconNames
if %oathed
if G in #charstatus
if %InOldOath = #false && #systime > %EndTurningOffWar
set %InOldOath #true
set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
if #enemyid <> n/a
set %OathId #enemyid
set %OathId xxyyxx
event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH
if %InOldOath
set %InOldOath #false
if G notin #charstatus
event macro 6 0
event exmsg #charid 0 0 go go go
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay
Thank you very much!!!
I had that script before, a long time ago

Scanning buffbar L-shaped, and once it identifies Blood Oath then the war mode is turned off immediately

The old script looks like:
; Script Name: Anti Blood Oath
; Author: Felix
; Version: 3
; Client Tested with: 6.0.13
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.148
; Shard FS: UODreams
; Public Release: 27/07/2009
; Purpose: turns off war-mode, whan blood oath
; Requirments: ScanBuffBar
set %BloodOathScanDelay 250
;;;;;;;DON'T EDIT
set %InOldOath #false
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime
set %EndTurningOffWar 0
set %OathId xxyyxx
if %InOldOath && ( #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar || #enemyid = %OathId ) && G in #charstatus
if #enemyid = %OathId
finditem %OathId G
if #findtype = IS && #findrep = 6
event property %OathId
if revenant in #property
set %OathId xxyyxx
if #systime > %EndTurningOffWar && #enemyid = %OathId
event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH2
set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
while #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar && G in #charstatus
event macro 6 0
set %nexttoggle #systime + 300
while #systime <= %nexttoggle && G in #charstatus
sleep 10
if #systime >= %NextBloodOathScan
gosub AntiBloodOath
sleep 20
goto loop
sub AntiBloodOath
if G notin #charstatus && %InOldOath = #false
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay
Call ScanBuffBar
set %oathed _CurseBloodOath_ in %BuffBarIconNames
if %oathed
if G in #charstatus
if %InOldOath = #false && #systime > %EndTurningOffWar
set %InOldOath #true
set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
if #enemyid <> n/a
set %OathId #enemyid
set %OathId xxyyxx
event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH
if %InOldOath
set %InOldOath #false
if G notin #charstatus
event macro 6 0
event exmsg #charid 0 0 go go go
set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay
Thank you very much!!!