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Cant log into game

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  • Cant log into game

    Good day, its me again. I'm back to step by step with hope that someone will help me to resolve my issues.
    After a long time... i am trying desperately to get back into the game but now it comes up with Couldn't connect to Ultima Online please try again in a few moments.
    Its like i'm loosing my patience knowing i've tried so many ways thinking what am i doing wrong in order to connect while i am waiting for these few moments.
    Razor looks fine, same as i've been in game before...and yet again i am loosing count of how many times i tried to reinstall game client provided on site.
    Please spare some of your precious time and help a very dedicated old veteran to get back to killing dragons. Please? All respect to you guys i am not risking my sweet ass booty of getting a Ghonorrhea cause ill be killing it just as allways.
    Ultima modifica di uogatis; 23-04-2014, 21:46.

  • #2
    Hi. First, don't use vulgar terms.

    Second, are you using the correct address to login?

    The old "" doesn't work. The new address is "".

    The port is the same, 2593.

    I move this thread to Doubts and questions.



    • #3
      Thanks Onison im gonna try it right now.


      • #4
        Man, I checked your account and I talked to Amdir. I'll let you know with a private message.

        Please be patient



        • #5
          Da problemi anche a me, rimane fermo su Verifying Account.

          Aggiorno: DaVA; ora è ripartito dopo un pò di tentativi.
          Ultima modifica di BlackHawkz; 23-04-2014, 14:26.


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da BlackHawkz Visualizza il messaggio
            Da problemi anche a me, rimane fermo su Verifying Account.
            No Black, lui ha probabilmente un problema sul suo account, non è un problema di tutti.

            Quindi se non riesci a loggare, è quasi sicuramente a causa di altri motivi. In ogni caso, il gioco funziona correttamente.



            • #7
              Hmm... worked well to log in couple of minutes ago until client stopped responding. Decided to restart my lap and go in again but now client is stuck on verifying account. I will apriciate it alot if you guys will help me to solve until i get that smooth game play back with all of you fanatics. Until then i am going to do as advised by my honorable GM's and wait patiently.
              Thank you so much! Love you all and have a great day! It would be very nice if someone could also tell me for how long do i have to wait.
              Ultima modifica di uogatis; 23-04-2014, 21:47.


              • #8
                omioddio perfavore aiutatelo si sta inginocchiando...


                • #9
                  Stop tripping Dude, you're not having my head locked to something unless its a radio.
                  Allright cool... im gonna carry on with twsiting knobs on fl until you guys will help me to get back into game.
                  Meanwhile my cuppa coffee is getting cold.
                  Ultima modifica di uogatis; 23-04-2014, 15:47.


                  • #10
                    Originariamente inviato da OnisionStaff Visualizza il messaggio
                    Man, I checked your account and I talked to Amdir. I'll let you know with a private message.

                    Please be patient

                    Please Please Please Please Please Guys, i am begging you!
                    Help me as soon as you can.
                    That screen Verifying account... Brings me back so much positive and good memories about time spent on this beautiful server.
                    I want to run, kill and play it like im really really back!
                    Want to fill my vendors with those goodies for newbies you know what what i mean right? Im waiting Please Please Please Please Please!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Please?
                    It is going to be my pleasure to play witchu all again. Please?
                    Ultima modifica di uogatis; 23-04-2014, 21:41.


                    • #11
                      Originariamente inviato da OnisionStaff Visualizza il messaggio
                      Hi. First, don't use vulgar terms.

                      Second, are you using the correct address to login?

                      The old "" doesn't work. The new address is "".

                      The port is the same, 2593.

                      I move this thread to Doubts and questions.

                      Yeah i got that right... Just that Verifying account... i wont be able to fall asleep if i wont get in as soon as possible.


                      • #12
                        Is it rude thing to ask for you to hurry up? Don't want to sound demanding i just really really want to play. I am begging you!
                        You see im going loopy here... okay ill just carry on waiting for miracle to happen. Cheerz


                        Sto operando...