Prima di tutto Salve, sono un nuovo player
Ho un problema cn la pach osi: quando arriva al file gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp e lo sta applicando mi da Errore:
Received file name "gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp" of length 102650
Received file name "gold_win32_3-0-8j.pat" of length 17
Getting required files
Using existing file "gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp" of size 102650
Processing files
Applying patch patch\gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp on path .
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
Uso la versione di UO Reanissance
Volevo sapere come mai fa cosi.. tnx
Ho un problema cn la pach osi: quando arriva al file gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp e lo sta applicando mi da Errore:
Received file name "gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp" of length 102650
Received file name "gold_win32_3-0-8j.pat" of length 17
Getting required files
Using existing file "gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp" of size 102650
Processing files
Applying patch patch\gold_win32_3-0-8j.rtp on path .
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
Uso la versione di UO Reanissance
Volevo sapere come mai fa cosi.. tnx