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Paragon breathers

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  • Paragon breathers

    Im not sure if its right place to post it, well, its bug report but in english. Sorry i was unable to find forum rules in english

    so here comes bug: fire breathing ability depends on current hitpoints of creature. Healthy one breath for 100% damage, when its half death it deal only 50%. Where is problem?

    Paragons got 500% hitpoints of normal creatures. This means, they breath for 500% damage (Ancient Wyrm Para hits for ~300 through 70 fire resist armor). Means, anything stronger than drake is deadly, way more that its intended to be. Usually strong para breather means instant death to victim.


  • #2
    Yes, this indeed is the right place to post, I'll add forum rules in english later today. Sorry about that.
    And yes, that would indeed cause some problems... I'll see what happens with paragon breathers on OSI and fix it accordingly. Thanks for reporting it.
    In italiano, i vocaboli che terminano in -cia e -gia al plurale mantengono la i solo se prima della c/g c'è una vocale, altrimenti la perdono. Il plurale di freccia è frecce. E si scrive arciere, non arcere. "Qual è", "qualcun altro" e "nessun altro" si scrivono senza apostrofo. Leggere: #1, #2.
    Si scrive Felucca. Non Fellucca. E nemmeno Felluca. Haven, non Heaven. Despise, non Despice. OSI, non OSY.


    • #3
      mmm is this fixed already? or maybe it was not bug? anyway:

      public virtual int BreathComputeDamage()
      if ( IsParagon )
      return (int)((Hits / 4) * BreathDamageScalar);
      return (int)(Hits * BreathDamageScalar);

      sorry if this was not neccesary, im lil bored today :P


      • #4
        Cavolo...rhapsody gli dice che è il forum giusto dove postare...gli dice che conotrllerà su Osi come funziona e voi glielo spostate?


        Edito per dire che sti giochi di spostamento di thread mi han fatto pensare di cambiare spacciatore :P
        Cmq ho postato perchè il thread era stato spostato in dubbi e domande e mentre postavo è ritornato qui'
        Ultima modifica di gabrie; 29-07-2005, 01:49.
        Icq 165095609

        Io NON vendo item per soldi veri...


        Sto operando...