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[COMPRO] Golden Skull

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  • [COMPRO] Golden Skull

    pay 250k

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da ddt1989 Visualizza il messaggio
    pay 250k
    te lo vendo io.

    Lavoro e server permettendo, dovrei stare online verso pranzo o cmq nel primo pomeriggio


    U can buy mine; i should be online right after lunch time or in the early afternoon. (italy time...that means about...4hours left since now.

    p.s. recently my home computer was fked up therefore i'm using my office pc atm and i got no icq here; ( since i wont install it on that pc, just shout a pm here [or in game @ tamanta ] as soon as u're online too )

    -...ah sorry---i'm online just now dude
    Ultima modifica di krilov; 20-09-2013, 18:29.


    Sto operando...