Lotto 1 - Tokuno Quest - Uodreams 2005
Base: 500k
IW: None
Lotto 2 - Green Acres Tour (Hat colored green (original color))
Base: 5kk
IW: None
Lotto 3 - Porte-Bonheur UOD Halloween 2007
Base: 500k
IW: None
Lotto 4 - Gara A Ostacoli Giugno 2006
Base: 500k
IW: None
Lotto 5 - Certificate of Participation - House Contest 2006
Base: 500k
IW: None
Lotto 6 - UODreams - Carnival Party 2005
Base: 500k
IW: None
Lotto 7 - A Mug Of Blood - I Survived Buccaneer's Den Invasion 2007
Base: 500k
IW: None
Step (Rilancio) for items - 100k
End Of Auction - 72 hours after last bid.
Contacts: MSN:
ICQ: 53332333