Cdt vendo 4 talismani.
Lotto 1
Talisman of Bullfrog Summoning
Lava Serpent Protection: +51%
Blacksmith Exceptional Bonus: 23%
Blacksmith Bonus 25%
Charges 35
Prezzo: 100k
Lotto 2 [VENDUTO]
Talisman of Curse Removal
Rat Protection: +20%
Tinkering Exceptional Bonus: 25%
Tinkering Bonus: 25%
Prezzo: 300k
Lotto 3
Predator Hellcat Killer: +17%
Frost Troll Protection: +55%
Alchemy Bonus: 28%
Prezzo: 200k
Lotto 4
Cartography Exceptional Bonus: 29%
Cartography Bonus: 26%
Prezzo: 350k
ICQ: 565368141
Lotto 1
Talisman of Bullfrog Summoning
Lava Serpent Protection: +51%
Blacksmith Exceptional Bonus: 23%
Blacksmith Bonus 25%
Charges 35
Prezzo: 100k
Lotto 2 [VENDUTO]
Talisman of Curse Removal
Rat Protection: +20%
Tinkering Exceptional Bonus: 25%
Tinkering Bonus: 25%
Prezzo: 300k
Lotto 3
Predator Hellcat Killer: +17%
Frost Troll Protection: +55%
Alchemy Bonus: 28%
Prezzo: 200k
Lotto 4
Cartography Exceptional Bonus: 29%
Cartography Bonus: 26%
Prezzo: 350k
ICQ: 565368141