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[VENDO] all colors of pigments of tokuno

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  • [VENDO] all colors of pigments of tokuno

    Luna White 250k pre use
    Shadowdancers Black 400k pre use
    All the rest colors 300k per single use
    Ultima modifica di uogatis; 28-02-2009, 13:45.

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
    What is forbidden in every thread:
    1. Not using an allowed tag in the thread title: [ASTA] ([AUCTION]), [VENDO] ([SALE]),[COMPRO] ([BUY]), [PUBBLICITÀ] ([ADVERTISING]), [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]), [GAME] ([GAME]), [CERCO] ([SEEK]). Lower cases, non squared parenthesis, union of 2 or more tags are not allowed (for example a TAG like this or other combinations are not allowed: [COMPRO/SCAMBIO]). Penalty: Thread closure.
    TAG must be always in capital letters! I edited it.
    Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
    selling all colors of pigments of tokuno
    By uses.

    icq 401639446

    Originariamente inviato da Grimlock Visualizza il messaggio
    [VENDO] ([SALE]): in this kind of thread you sell one or more items at a fixed price. Rules:

    1. You may NOT open a sale thread without specifying a price for an item. Penalty: thread closure and 100k ticket.
    uogatis you are a new mamber, so I can't be too strict or pedantic with you.
    Please pay more attention to Market Rules. Read also Modifica sostanziale al Mercato
    e Modifica Mercato Importante.

    No penalties... This time! :P
    Have a nice game
    Ultima modifica di jakyjaky; 28-02-2009, 13:16.
    ICQ: 229 339 201
    I contatti vanno inseriti dal thread starter all'interno del testo del thread inziale al momento dell'apertura del thread stesso
    Per chiarimenti sul Regolamento Mercato
    Per chiarimenti sulle multe comminate contattatemi via PM
    [VENDO] ====> Normal Leather <==== & ====> Spined Leather <==== THE BLACK MARKET NETWORK


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