c.d.t. compro un bel po' di roba
Statuette 800k l'una [max 1 x tipo]
* Skeleton
* Troll
* Orc
* Ettin
* Lizard Man
* Ratman
* Minotaur Statue (x 4, 1 per ogni orientamento)
* Zombie
* Cow
* Llama
* Ophidian Warrior
* Reaper
* Mongbat
* Gazer
* Fire Elemental
* Wolf
* Harrower Statuette
* Efreet Statuette
Abiti 800k l'uno [max 1 x tipo]
* Mantello Agapite +3% Physical Resistance
* Robe Agapite +3% Physical Resistance
* Mantello Gold +3% Physical Resistance
* Robe Gold +3% Physical Resistance
Premi Quest: [max 1 x tipo]
The Bewitched Island ♥ San Valentino 2009 ♥ 2,5kk
Eterei [max 1 x tipo]
* Lama,Cavallo,Ostard 2kk
* Swamp 3,5kk
* Orso Polare 6kk
* Cu-Shide 7kk
Msn Ryuji669@hotmail.com
ICQ 361631948
Statuette 800k l'una [max 1 x tipo]
* Skeleton
* Troll
* Orc
* Ettin
* Lizard Man
* Ratman
* Minotaur Statue (x 4, 1 per ogni orientamento)
* Zombie
* Cow
* Llama
* Ophidian Warrior
* Reaper
* Mongbat
* Gazer
* Fire Elemental
* Wolf
* Harrower Statuette
* Efreet Statuette
Abiti 800k l'uno [max 1 x tipo]
* Mantello Agapite +3% Physical Resistance
* Robe Agapite +3% Physical Resistance
* Mantello Gold +3% Physical Resistance
* Robe Gold +3% Physical Resistance
Premi Quest: [max 1 x tipo]
The Bewitched Island ♥ San Valentino 2009 ♥ 2,5kk
Eterei [max 1 x tipo]
* Lama,Cavallo,Ostard 2kk
* Swamp 3,5kk
* Orso Polare 6kk
* Cu-Shide 7kk
Msn Ryuji669@hotmail.com
ICQ 361631948