Compro tutte le ricette Ml, 1 per tipo
Metto un elenco qua sotto, quelle bianche sono quelle di cui ho bisogno, quelle in rosso le ho già, e quindi non le compro
Dato che la rarità cambia, offro da un minimo di 10k, a salire. Quelle più carine sono disposto a pagarle bene
Voi postate la recipes che avete e il prezzo a cui sareste disposti a venderle, e io nel caso vi contatterò ^^
Se volete GEMME ML invece dei soldi, date un'occhiata qua
Ecco la lista:
Vi aspetto 
Metto un elenco qua sotto, quelle bianche sono quelle di cui ho bisogno, quelle in rosso le ho già, e quindi non le compro

Dato che la rarità cambia, offro da un minimo di 10k, a salire. Quelle più carine sono disposto a pagarle bene

Voi postate la recipes che avete e il prezzo a cui sareste disposti a venderle, e io nel caso vi contatterò ^^
Se volete GEMME ML invece dei soldi, date un'occhiata qua

Ecco la lista:
[U][COLOR="Blue"]Alchemy [/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="red"]Darkglow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Hovering Wisp [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Invisibility Potion [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Parasitic [/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Yellow"]Blacksmithing[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Adventurer's Machete [/COLOR] Bone Machete [COLOR="Red"]Butcher's War Cleaver [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Charged Assassin Spike [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Cold Forged Blade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Corrupted Rune Blade [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Darkglow Scimitar [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Diseased Machete [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Emerald Mace[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Fiery Spellblade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Guardian Axe [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Heavy Ornate Axe[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Icy Scimitar [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Icy Spellblade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Knight's War Cleaver [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Leafblade of Ease [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Luckblade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Luminous Rune Blade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Machete of Defense [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Magekiller Assassin Spike [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Magekiller Leafblade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Mage's Rune Blade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Orcish Machete [/COLOR] Overseer Sundered Blade [COLOR="Red"]Ruby Mace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rune Blade of Knowledge [/COLOR] Rune Carving Knife [COLOR="Red"]Runesabre [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Sapphire Mace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Serrated War Cleaver[/COLOR] Shard Thrasher Silver-Etched Mace [COLOR="Red"]Singing Axe [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Spellblade of Defense [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Thundering Axe [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]True Assassin Spike [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]True Leafblade [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]True Radiant Scimitar [/COLOR] [COLOR="RED"]True Spellblade True War Cleaver [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Twinkling Scimitar [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Wounding Assassin Spike [/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"][U]Carpentry [/U][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Acid Proof Rope [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ancient Wild Staff [/COLOR] Arcane Bookshelf (East) [COLOR="red"]Arcane Bookshelf (South) [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Arcanist's Wild Staff [/COLOR] Bramble Coat [COLOR="red"]Elven Armoire (Fancy) [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"]Elven Dresser (East) [/COLOR][/COLOR] Elven Dresser (South) [COLOR="red"]Hardened Wild Staff [/COLOR] Ironwood Crown [COLOR="Red"]Ornate Elven Chair [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ornate Elven Chest (East)[/COLOR] Ornate Elven Chest (South) [COLOR="red"]Phantom Staff [/COLOR] [COLOR="RED"]Squirrel Statue (East) Squirrel Statue (South) [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Tall Elven Bed (East) [COLOR="Black"][/COLOR] Tall Elven Bed (South)[/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Thorned Wild Staff [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Warrior Statue (East) [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Warrior Statue (South) [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][U]Fletching [/U][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Assassin's Shortbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Barbed Longbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Blight Gripped Longbow[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Faerie Fire [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Frozen Longbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lightweight Shortbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Longbow of Might [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Mischief Maker [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Mystical Shortbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ranger's Shortbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Silvani's Feywood Bow[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Slayer Longbow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Night Reaper [/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Magenta"]Inscriptions[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="red"]Scrapper's Compendium [/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Silver"]Masonry[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="red"]Stone Anvil (East) [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Stone Anvil (South) [/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]Tailoring [/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Elven Quiver [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Song Woven Mantle [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Spell Woven Britches [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Stitchers Mittens [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Blight [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Fire [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Ice [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiver of Lightning [/COLOR] [U][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Tinkering [/COLOR][/U] Essence of Battle Pendant of the Magi Resilient Bracer
