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[COMPRO] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tutte le Recipes!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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  • [COMPRO] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tutte le Recipes!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Compro tutte le ricette Ml, 1 per tipo

    Metto un elenco qua sotto, quelle bianche sono quelle di cui ho bisogno, quelle in rosso le ho già, e quindi non le compro

    Dato che la rarità cambia, offro da un minimo di 10k, a salire. Quelle più carine sono disposto a pagarle bene

    Voi postate la recipes che avete e il prezzo a cui sareste disposti a venderle, e io nel caso vi contatterò ^^

    Se volete GEMME ML invece dei soldi, date un'occhiata qua

    Ecco la lista:

    [U][COLOR="Blue"]Alchemy [/COLOR][/U]
    [COLOR="red"]Darkglow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Hovering Wisp [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Invisibility Potion [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Parasitic [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Adventurer's Machete [/COLOR]
    Bone Machete 
    [COLOR="Red"]Butcher's War Cleaver [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Charged Assassin Spike [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Cold Forged Blade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Corrupted Rune Blade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Darkglow Scimitar [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Diseased Machete [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Emerald Mace[/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Fiery Spellblade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Guardian Axe [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Heavy Ornate Axe[/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Icy Scimitar [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Icy Spellblade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Knight's War Cleaver [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Leafblade of Ease [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Luckblade  [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Luminous Rune Blade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Machete of Defense [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Magekiller Assassin Spike [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Magekiller Leafblade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Mage's Rune Blade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Orcish Machete [/COLOR]
    Overseer Sundered Blade   
    [COLOR="Red"]Ruby Mace [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Rune Blade of Knowledge  [/COLOR] 
    Rune Carving Knife 
    [COLOR="Red"]Runesabre [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Sapphire Mace [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Serrated War Cleaver[/COLOR] 
    Shard Thrasher   
    Silver-Etched Mace   
    [COLOR="Red"]Singing Axe   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Spellblade of Defense [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Thundering Axe [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]True Assassin Spike [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]True Leafblade [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]True Radiant Scimitar [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="RED"]True Spellblade  
    True War Cleaver [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Twinkling Scimitar [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Wounding Assassin Spike [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Lime"][U]Carpentry [/U][/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Acid Proof Rope [/COLOR]  
    [COLOR="Red"]Ancient Wild Staff [/COLOR]
    Arcane Bookshelf (East) 
    [COLOR="red"]Arcane Bookshelf (South) [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Arcanist's Wild Staff [/COLOR]
    Bramble Coat   
    [COLOR="red"]Elven Armoire (Fancy) [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"]Elven Dresser (East) [/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Elven Dresser (South) 
    [COLOR="red"]Hardened Wild Staff [/COLOR]
    Ironwood Crown   
    [COLOR="Red"]Ornate Elven Chair [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Ornate Elven Chest (East)[/COLOR] 
    Ornate Elven Chest (South) 
    [COLOR="red"]Phantom Staff   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="RED"]Squirrel Statue (East) 
    Squirrel Statue (South) [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Tall Elven Bed (East) [COLOR="Black"][/COLOR]
    Tall Elven Bed (South)[/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Thorned Wild Staff [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Warrior Statue (East)  [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="Red"]Warrior Statue (South) [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][U]Fletching [/U][/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Assassin's Shortbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Barbed Longbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Blight Gripped Longbow[/COLOR]   
    [COLOR="red"]Faerie Fire   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Frozen Longbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Lightweight Shortbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Longbow of Might [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Mischief Maker   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Mystical Shortbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Ranger's Shortbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Silvani's Feywood Bow[/COLOR]   
    [COLOR="red"]Slayer Longbow [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]The Night Reaper   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Scrapper's Compendium  [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="red"]Stone Anvil (East)  [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="red"]Stone Anvil (South) [/COLOR]
    [U][COLOR="Blue"]Tailoring [/COLOR][/U]
    [COLOR="Red"]Elven Quiver [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Song Woven Mantle   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Spell Woven Britches   [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Stitchers Mittens  [/COLOR] 
    [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Blight [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Fire [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]Quiver of Ice [/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Quiver of Lightning [/COLOR]
    [U][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Tinkering [/COLOR][/U]
    Essence of Battle   
    Pendant of the Magi   
    Resilient Bracer
    Vi aspetto

    Ultima modifica di Duku; 22-11-2007, 10:12.

  • #2
    Stone Anvil (East)
    Barbed Longbow
    Quiver of Ice
    Stone Anvil (South)
    Frozen Longbow
    Lightweight Shortbow
    Mystical Shortbow
    Ranger's Shortbow
    Assassin's Shortbow
    Longbow of Might
    Elven Quiver
    Scrapper's Compendium
    Slayer Longbow
    Quiver of Blight
    Quiver of Fire

    Sono tutte tue...

    Contatti in profilo.
    Ultima modifica di adron; 28-09-2007, 20:32.


    • #3
      Ti posso offrire

      Blight Gripped Longbow
      Mischief Maker
      The Night Reaper

      sono tutti rari quindi fai il tuo prezzo


      • #4
        silvani feywood bow
        squirrel statuette (east)

        sono entrambe rare, fai tu il prezzo
        ICQ 393 490 777[/COLOR]


        • #5
          Up ^^


          • #6
            ti posso vendere queste fammi sapere

            Hovering Wisp
            Warrior Statue (East)
            Tall Elven Bed (East)
            Ornate Elven Chair
            Ornate Elven Chest (East)
            Quiver of Lightning
            Arcane Bookshelf (East)
            Tall Elven Bed (South)
            Elven Dresser (East)
            Elven Armoire (Fancy)
            Arcane Bookshelf (South)
            Hardened Wild Staff
            Thorned Wild Staff
            Tall Elven Bed (East)

            icq 358 369 532


            • #7


              • #8
                Squirrel Statue (East)
                Squirrel Statue (South)
                te le vendo io


                • #9
                  True Spellblade 
                  True War Cleaver
                  Le ho tutte e 2 e te le do al minimo, domattina per il lume del giorno ti contatto
                  Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                  Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

                  Originariamente inviato da Aka
                  (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
                  Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
                  "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


                  • #10
                    up ^^


                    Sto operando...