1 paroxymus dinner per 150k al volo..!
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LeGo CoNtAdInO
CoNtAdInO Family
Von Luen Family
EOS nel cuore
[LvX] Member
TB Reborn Project
Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.
3. "Uppare" un thread più di una volta in 24 ore, calcolate rispetto all'ultimo post del thread (non necessariamente del thread starter); si considerano come "UP" irregolari anche quelli postati poco prima del termine delle 24 ore: a tal proposito, sottolineamo, che NESSUNA scusante è accettata dallo staff. Sono da considerarsi Up irregolari eventuali post con scritto: "consegnato" "aggiornato" e simili. Pena: sanzione monetaria di 100k, la non chiusura del thread e, a discrezione del moderatore, 6h di jail Full Account. In caso di infrazioni ripetute, la pena verrà raddoppiata.
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.