* Greater Heal 12k/ 10 greater Heal 100 KS
* Greater Cure 15k/ 10 Great Cure 125 KS
* Greater Explosion 15k/ 10 great Expl 125 KS
* Total Refresh 10k/ 10 Total Refresh 90 KS
* Greater Strenght 10k/ 10 Greater Strengh 90 KS
* Greater Agility 10k/ 10 Greater Agility 90 KS
* Deadly Poison 30k/ 10 Deadly Poison 250 KS
* Greater Poison 12k/ 10 Greater Poison 100 KS
* Poison 8k/ 10 Poison 60 KS
* Lesser poison 5k/ 10 Lesser Poison 40 KS
* Nightsight 5k/ 10 Nightsight 40KS
MSN: F_muller87@hotmail.com
ICQ: 327-294-041
Sorry , when i write in the title of the post i see the characters in mayus, i dont understand why the characters appear in minus, sorry
* Greater Cure 15k/ 10 Great Cure 125 KS
* Greater Explosion 15k/ 10 great Expl 125 KS
* Total Refresh 10k/ 10 Total Refresh 90 KS
* Greater Strenght 10k/ 10 Greater Strengh 90 KS
* Greater Agility 10k/ 10 Greater Agility 90 KS
* Deadly Poison 30k/ 10 Deadly Poison 250 KS
* Greater Poison 12k/ 10 Greater Poison 100 KS
* Poison 8k/ 10 Poison 60 KS
* Lesser poison 5k/ 10 Lesser Poison 40 KS
* Nightsight 5k/ 10 Nightsight 40KS
MSN: F_muller87@hotmail.com
ICQ: 327-294-041
Sorry , when i write in the title of the post i see the characters in mayus, i dont understand why the characters appear in minus, sorry