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  • ATTENTION! Read before Posting!

    These rules do not substitute the general Gamesnet and UODreams rules, but they're supplemented with the UODreams Marketplace forum context. For exceptional gravity cases (e.g. repeated violations) the Staff can apply special measures. It’s foreseen that everyone who posts in this forum perfectly knows this document, so these rules must be respected in their integral form, with only possible exceptions that can be made for users whose forum account's age is less than a month.

    What is forbidden in all threads:
    1. To "up" a thread more than once per day (24 hours); time is calculated from the last post (by anybody). Punishment: post edit and, in case of repeated violation, Spammer Mark. If the violation is made by the thread starter, the thread will be closed..
    2. To judge prices and/or choices of thread starter. Punishment: post edit and, at moderator’s discretion, Spammer Mark.
    3. Not to specify properly in the thread's title (e.g. "selling", "nice stuff" aren't valid titles, "leggings lrc lmc" is ok). Punishment: thread closing and, if the violation is repeated, Spammer Mark..
    4. To use tags other than: [AUCTION] ([ASTA]), [SALE] ([VENDO]), [BUY] ([COMPRO]), [ADVERTISING] ([PUBBLICITÀ]), [TRADE] ([SCAMBIO]) in the title. Minuscule characters, different brackets or other styles are not allowed. Punishment: Thread closing and, in case of repeated violation: Spammer Mark..
    5. To make comments that can lead to flaming. Punishment: forum ban for 15 days..
    6. To post anything irrelevant to the thread purpose. Punishment: post edit plus, at moderator’s discretion, Spammer label..
    7. To spam asking continuously for contacts when the thread is exhausted (e.g. auction with a winner). Punishment: post edit plus, at moderator's choice, Spammer mark..
    8. Not to respect seller's terms (e.g., request to lower the price). For example, to ask for lowering prices won't be tolerated. Punishment: post edit.

    The marketplace forum's work is based on 5 possible thread types. Here are the properties of each:
    [ASTA] (or [AUCTION]): In this thread, there is a starting price and participants contend against each other for the item (or items) offering more and more, following rules established by the auctioneer before the first valid offer.
    In an auction it is not allowed to:
    1. Withdraw an item from the auction once the auction has begun with a bid. Punishment: The user will be inserted in Black List and the thread will be closed..
    2. Make any agreements outside Forum. Punishment: The user will be inserted in Black List and the thread will be closed..
    3. Arrange auctions that last more than 7 days. Punishment: the thread will be closed.
    4. Edit the auction rules once the it has been started. Punishment: the thread will be closed and, in case of repeated violation, the user will be inserted in Black List.
    5. Not to deliver/claim the stuff that has already been sold/purchased, for ANY reason. The DEADLINE for the delivering/claiming, unless there're separate private agreements, is 48 hours after the stuff awarding.Punishment: The user will be put in Black List and the thread will be closed.
    6. Cancel your bid (offer) for an item if 2 hours have already passed since the own first offer. Punishment: The user will be inserted in Black List.
    7. Accept outside-forum agreements, (e.g. ICQ, in-game, etc.). Punishment: The user will be inserted in Black List and the thread will be closed..
    8. Not to use the item+offer form when the thread contains more than one auction. Punishment: post delete.
    NOTE: For all violations that lead to the auction's shut down, the destiny of the offers is given to the seller who can than consider to count bids valid or not. It’s a buyer's responsibility not to make offers in potentially dangerous threads (e.g. auctions made by users in Black List, thread with irregular tags, thousands of ups and so on). Any complaint of a buyer concerning these cases will be ignored.
    [VENDITA] (or [SALE]): in this thread a person can sell an object at a fixed price.
    In a sale it's forbidden to:
    1. Cancel own offer for an item if 2 or more hours have already passed since that bid. Punishment: The user will be inserted in Black List.
    [COMPRO] (or [BUY]): in this thread an user can search for an object, specifying the payment availability and requirements.
    [PUBBLICITÀ] (or [ADVERTISING]): in this thread a user can report the presence of an in-game vendor or the availability to make a service on demand (e.g. "Leather gathering").
    [SCAMBIO] (or [TRADE]): in this thread a user offers a trade, specifying exactly what he/she offers and what he/she looks for.
    No further kinds of threads are allowed in the market forum.

    BLACK LIST: It’s the list that contains the names of the forum users who made violations that undermine the reliability of a seller/buyer. Practically black list is useful to other users to have an idea who could be unreliable. The presence in black list lasts for 2 months. During that period users in black list shouldn't commit other offences, or they’ll remain in black list for an unspecified period of time.

    SPECIAL THANKS TO Spacio and TanS0r for the translation.
    Ultima modifica di Spacio; 18-09-2004, 18:57.
    Attualmente non gioco più a UO.
    Originally posted by FuTuRa
    Le vere "mele marce" sono coloro che sputano cattiveria, anche in un gioco...
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