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[PUBLICITA] compro spined bods up to 810k per one

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  • [PUBLICITA] compro spined bods up to 810k per one

    1 spined 700
    2 spined 730
    3 spined 750k
    5 spined 770k
    10 spined 810k
    20 spined 820k

    post your offers here
    but if u sell more than on 5kk or need barbed kit contact me in icq before

    u can obtain barbed kit for 4 any spined bods + 3.5kk

    all bods must be for barbed kit, if u want to sell large it's the same price and counts as small
    1 700
    2 1460
    3 2250
    4 3000
    5 3850
    6 4620
    7 5390
    8 6160
    9 6930 my barbed kit + 430k
    10 8100
    11 8910
    12 9720
    13 10530
    14 11340
    15 12150
    16 12960
    17 13770
    18 14580
    19 15390
    20 16400
    Ultima modifica di Felix777; 17-10-2006, 08:12.
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