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[SCAMBIO] Spined small BOD's 20xp for Barbed Runic

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  • [SCAMBIO] Spined small BOD's 20xp for Barbed Runic

    I'm looking for small BOD's :
    - Leather tunic x [ 0 ]
    - Leather gorget x [ 0 ]
    - Female Leather Armor x [ 0 ]
    - Leather Skirt x [ 1 ]
    all 20 exceptional spined

    I can offer:
    - Leather Bustier x [1]
    - Studded Bustier x [0]
    - Leather Shorts x [1]
    - Leather Sleeves x [0]
    all 20 exceptional spined

    I want to trade in BoD's in 1 for 1 BoD

    Please post here, send PM. (I'm not very often on ICQ )

    Ultima modifica di zypel; 10-05-2006, 17:36.
    ICQ Number: 196-465-798

  • #2
    change my leather tunic 20 exc spined for your studded bustier 20 exc spined.... send me a pm with writing when and where we can meet there to effect I exchange, bye
    "Un tempo difensore di Stormwind e soldato fedele all'Alleanza... fino a quando il potere del male iniziņ ad agire sulla sua mente... ora combatte per L'Orda e sogna di distruggere Stormwind"

    Founder Dynasty Von Real on UOD

    GM Order of Darkness on ROC


    • #3
      you open icq so we can decide where and whether to meet us for the exchange

      i have added you... my nickname in icq is: LoReNzO86... add and contact me just six online, bye
      "Un tempo difensore di Stormwind e soldato fedele all'Alleanza... fino a quando il potere del male iniziņ ad agire sulla sua mente... ora combatte per L'Orda e sogna di distruggere Stormwind"

      Founder Dynasty Von Real on UOD

      GM Order of Darkness on ROC


      • #4
        OK, now I need only 2 BoD's, but one of this is 'waiting' for me (need to contact with someone [ f. l. armor for l. sleeves ])
        ICQ Number: 196-465-798


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