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[COMPRO/SCAMBIO] Vari Small Bod Blacksmith

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  • [COMPRO/SCAMBIO] Vari Small Bod Blacksmith

    ciao a tutti, qui di seguito c'e' l'elenco con gli small che mi occorrono:
    tra parentesi invece metto gli small che ho in piu', che posso dare in cambio (sempre 1:1). In alternativa, posso comunque pagare $$ se siete interessati a vendere o trattare.

    1) ringmail tunic exc dull 10 (gloves, sleeves)

    2) ringmail sleeves exc shadow 10 (gloves)

    3) chainmail tunic exc copper 15 (leggings)

    4) chainmail legs exc gold 15 (coif)

    5-6) chainmail tunic / coif exc agapite 20 (leggings)

    7) plate arms exc dull 10 (gorget)

    8) scambiato

    9) scambiato

    10-11-12) plate arms / legs / gloves exc copper 20 (tunic, helm)

    lasciate un modo per rintracciarvi, il mio sta nel profilo

    ps.: per chi scambiera' con me fornedomi uno fra i bod n. 3) 7) 8) 9) daro' 50 cloth di quinto livello a piacere x ogni bod dato;
    invece per ognuno tra i 4) 5) 6) 10) 11) 12) daro' 100 cloth di quinto livello a piacere.
    (disponibilita': 0 ice white, 200 fire, 400 ice green, 155 ice blue. quindi muovetevi se non volete l'ice green )
    Ultima modifica di Sheo_K; 16-08-2005, 15:40.
    Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
    Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
    Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

    As the final darkness Falls...

  • #2
    mio plate gorget 15 exe shadow x tuo plate helm 15 exe shadow (+ 50 di bianco puro )

    ICQ 322212962


    • #3

      scambio effettuato, aggiornata disponibilita' clothes
      Ultima modifica di Sheo_K; 05-08-2005, 16:43.
      Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
      Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
      Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

      As the final darkness Falls...


      • #4
        Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
        Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
        Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

        As the final darkness Falls...


        • #5
          Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
          Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
          Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

          As the final darkness Falls...


          • #6
            8) plate legs exc dull 20

            Li ho se sei ancora interessato. Contattami, ICQ in profilo.
            Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


            • #7
              Affare fatto, disponibilità stoffa aggiornata
              Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
              Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
              Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

              As the final darkness Falls...


              • #8
                Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
                Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
                Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

                As the final darkness Falls...


                • #9
                  Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
                  Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
                  Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

                  As the final darkness Falls...


                  Sto operando...