Base: 1,5kk
Rilanci minimi 100k
IW: 2,5kk or SOP 120 Sword
L'asta viene vinta per IW o 48 ore dopo l'ultima offerta / Auction is won for IW or 48h after the last offer.
Se non postate il vostro numero di ICQ o MSN l'offerta verrà considerata nulla / If you don't post your ICQ or MSN number, your offer will be canceled.
My ICQ: 22584556
Large Bulk Order
All items must be Exeptional
All items mist be made with Spined Leather
Amount to make: 20
Leather Gorget
Leather Cap
Leather Gloves
Leather Sleeves
Leather Leggings
Leather Tunic
Base: 1,5kk
Rilanci minimi 100k
IW: 2,5kk or SOP 120 Sword
L'asta viene vinta per IW o 48 ore dopo l'ultima offerta / Auction is won for IW or 48h after the last offer.
Se non postate il vostro numero di ICQ o MSN l'offerta verrà considerata nulla / If you don't post your ICQ or MSN number, your offer will be canceled.
My ICQ: 22584556
Large Bulk Order
All items must be Exeptional
All items mist be made with Spined Leather
Amount to make: 20
Leather Gorget
Leather Cap
Leather Gloves
Leather Sleeves
Leather Leggings
Leather Tunic