packs on vendor have the same colors as labels below
warrior 10
anatomy 40k
Archery 50k
Bushido 30k
Fencing 50k
Healing 40k
Mace Fighting 40k
Ninjitsu 40k
Parring 40k
Swordsmanship 40k
Tactics 50k
focus 20k
mage 10
Evaluting Intelligente 70k
Magery 300k
Meditation 40k
Necromancy 40k
Resisting Spell 100k
Spirit Speak 30k
Wrestling 50k
tamer 10
Animal Lore 20k
Animal Taming 50k
discordance 30k
Musicanship 30k
Provocation 30k
Veterinary 30k
thief 10
stealing 20k
stealh 20k
warrior 15
archery 600k
anatomy 250k
Bushido 60k
Fencing 300k
Healing 100k
Mace Fighting 150k
Parring 150k
Swordsmanship 200k
Tactics 200k
mage 15
Meditation 90k
Necromancy 60k
Spirit Speak 90k
Wrestling 220k
tamer 15
Animal Lore 100k
Animal Taming 80k
Musicanship 90k
Veterinary 90k
thief 15
stealing 30k
stealh 30k
mage 20
necromancy 450k
tamer 20
musicanship 500k
thief 20
stealth 400k
stealing 400k
i don't sell this sops in this thread. it's just asvertisement of my vendor.