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[ASTA] 115 Archery

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  • [ASTA] 115 Archery

    Archery 115

    Base 500K
    Rilanci minimi 20K
    IW no

    48 horus after las offer

    ICQ in Profile

  • #2
    ICQ 344 003 957

    i have already said i havenot got any message for 7days after i won this asta,,i was realy agerly why i cannot get your message,,so i guss that is the reason of ICQ,,so i bear this problem for i cannot use ICQ very well .if you(falber) think it is my wrong,,,i think it is not fair,,,
    i just guss reason from me and i said sorry to u,,,,for now i realy dont know why i cannot get message from u after i won the asta.
    i have not lied on u
    now i dont want to say anymore.
    Ultima modifica di sunyan; 24-07-2005, 01:24.


    • #3
      It is yours
      We speak trought ICQ

      See you


      • #4
        I dont know the reasons but this person doesnt contac to me to trade SOP for 500K

        What will it happen if this persons doesnt to contac to me?

        Thank you


        • #5
          I have just contacted to this person and he has sadit to me he has already had one SOP 115 archery.

          What do i do now?


          • #6
            Well, he is breaking the rule. Quote from RULES:

            You must deliver/claim the item that you auctioned/bid for. The DEADLINE for delivering/claiming all items is 72 hours after the auction has ended, unless otherwise specified by the auctioneer. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine or jail.

            So, write a letter to moderators and i believe someone will be punished :P
            My bardic song will cure your soul


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