Vendo Sops 110 - 115 - 120 e SoS +5 +10 +15
Come comprare una Sop in questa vendita:
1) Cercare la sop/sos nel "LISTINO" e controllare che la disponibilità sia > 0x.
2) Postare indicando le Sop/Sos desiderate lasciando il proprio contatto di Icq.
3) Contattare me (Anakin) o il mio Gm (Geonortsort) in Icq indicando la Sop/Sos che avete acquistato e il vostro nome sul forum.
Non verranno considerate:
1) Post con proposte di scambio con altri item.
2) Acquisti senza il contatto di Icq.
3) Richieste di Sop/Sos in Icq senza prima aver postato sul forum.
Durante la giornata io stesso aggiorno la lista "SOP CONSEGNATE" più volte, quindi evitate di contattarci chiedendo quante Sop/Sos sono rimaste o addirittura quanto costano.
Seguite le istruzioni e le sop verranno consegnate nel più breve tempo possibile.
Mi riservo la possibilità di cambiare i prezzi a seconda di come va il mercato.
Anakin ICQ: 191151544
Geonortsort ICQ: 113-885-006
I sell Sops 110 - 115 - 120 and SoS +5 +10 +15
How to buy a sop in this sale:
1) Look for sops in the "LISTINO" and check that the availability is > 0x.
2) Post saying the sop/sos wished leaving the contact of icq.
3) Contact me (Anakin) or my Gm (Geonortsort) in Icq indicating the Sop/Sos that you have acquired and your name on the forum.
Will not be considered:
1) Post with proposals of exchange with other items.
2) Purchases without the Icq contact.
3) Demands for sop/Sos in Icq without before having posted on the forum.
During the day I'll dawn the list "Sop Consegnate" more times, therefore you are avoided to contact us asking how much Sop/Sos are remained or how much costs.
Follow the instructions and the sops will be delivered as soon as possible.
I reserve the possibility to change the prices following the course of the Market Forum.
Anakin ICQ: 191151544
Geonortsort ICQ: 113-885-006
SOP 110
5x Archery : 120k
9x Fenc : 150k
20x Mace : 120k
16x Sword : 100k
20x Wrest : 50k
11x Parryng : 90k
15x Music : 50k
12x Peace : 50k
3x Taming : 100k
17x Lore : 80k
12x Vete : 30k
0x Tact : 150k
6x Anatomy : 150k
19x Healing : 50k
2x Eva Int : 170k
0x Magery : 270k
16x Medit : 80k
4x Magic Res : 250k
13x Necro : 40k
14x Spirit : 40k
20x Stealth : 50K
20x Stealing : 50k
10x Bushido : 150k
10x Ninj : 150k
SOP 115
0x Archery : 1kk
2x Mace : 500k
0x Sword : 700k
8x Wrestling : 700k
0x Parry : 400k
9x Music : 400k
9x Peace: 300k
3x Taming : 300k
16x Lore : 150k
17x Vete : 150k
0x Anatomy : 750k
1x Tact : 800k
17x Healing : 150k
0x Eva : 1,8kk
0x Magery : 2kk
0x Magic Res : 2kk
19x Necro : 150k
17x Spirit : 250k
20x Stealth : 150k
16x Stealing : 150k
18x Focus : 50k
10x Bushido : 500k
10x Ninj : 500k
SOP 120
2x Music : 1kk
2x Vete : 1kk
0x Healing : 500k
0x Disco : 700k
3x Provo : 400k
13x + 5 : 100k
5x + 10 : 1,2kk
1x + 15 : 3kk
Con il simbolo Asterisco "*" gli ordini evasi.
Con il simbolo Vuoto " " gli ordini inevasi.
With the symbol Asterisk "*" the orders delivered.
With the Empty symbol "" the orders not yet deliverd.
10° Pag
* Xanthos (Magic Res 110)
* -DarkThief- (Magic Res 110)
* Madboa (Music 110 - Peace 110)
* bubbaverde (Necro 110)
* Xander (Sword 115)
* bubbaverde (Spirit 110)
* gian (Taming 115)
* bubbaverde (Necro 110 - Spirit 110)
* Parsifal (Taming 115 - Stealth 120)
* Bibendus (Lore 120)
* Dorian Gray (Medit 110 - Archery 110 - Vete 110)
* Gladiator12 (Sos +10)
* dragon88 (Achery 110)
splinter (Tact 110) NoIcq
* bigkc (Sos +10)
11° Pag
* god69 (Anatomy 115)
* AlfaDon (Lore 110 - Archery 110 - Anatomy 110 - 2x Taming 110 - Sos +5)
* Madboa (Anatomy 110)
* ShAd (Parry 115)
* kappa (Parry 110)
* coppola (Archery 110)
* Trava (2x Sos +15)
* BiG EVIL (Sos +10)
* taurus (Parry 115)
* doccar79 (Taming 115)
* San Germain (Tact 115 - Anatomy 115)
* Alustriel (Sos +15)
* Sparron 666 (Tact 115)
* Cosimo (Sos +10 - Sos +15)
Ombroso (Necro 120 - Spirit 120) 60680650
12° Pag
* Allanon (Lore 120)
* Pablo_77 (2x Music 110 - 2x Peace 110 - Necro 110 - Taming 115)
* Arbaal (Sos +10)
* Aegis (Taming 115)
* shalafi (Archery 110)
* San Germain (Sos +15)
* WaKe up (Focus 115)
* Saurax (Taming 110)
* Amely (Peace 110)
* Insane (Peace 110 - Archery 110)
* Occultus Kano (Lore 115)
* Dark-M-Sora (Archery 110)
* thoc (Fenc 110 - Parry 110)
* Barimoor (Archery 110)
13° Pag
* Daeel (Taming 110 - Lore 110)
* zaomai (Magery 110)
* margravius (Mace 115)
* marvage (Magery 110)
- The_Trickmaster (Ritirata)
* Vlad Tepes (Spirit 110 - Mace 115 - Tact 110)
* maxking21 (Magery 110)
* thoc (Sos +5)
* AlexDeath_hog (Tact 115 - Sos +10)
* Maiden (Mace 115 - Tact 115 - Healing 115)
14° Pag
* dani242 (Archery 110 - Magery 110)
* Malakai (Archery 110)
* parrukko (Eva Int 115)
* M4n7iZ (Stealing 120)
* Fux (Vete 110)
* blackdraco (Sos +5)
* pdor84 (Music 110 - Peace 110)
* Alias (Taming 115 - Vete 110)
* TeRRa (Parry 115 - Sos +10)
* Pablo_773 (Fenc 110 - Spirit 110 - Magery 110)
* Maximilian (Provo 120 - Disco 120 - 2x Magery 110)
15° Pag
* AlexDeath_hog (Sos +5) 263134990
* gian (Lore 110 - Vete 110)
* snakeblue (Archery 110 - Sos +5)
* meo (Magery 115)
* Vulpecula (Archery 110 - Anatomy 110)
* Sask (Sword 115)
* MadMonkey (Magery 110)
* hyunkel_ace (Magery 115)
* Apocalisse (Sos +5 - Eva Int 110)
* Hastur^ (2x Sos +10)
* ghostrider (Magery 110)
* Clarion (Archery 110)
16° Pag
* Rob (Sos +15)
* Avalon (Magery 115)
* Lubba (Anatomy 115 - Sword 115)
* dani242 (Sos +5 - Archery 110 - 110 Tactics)
* Shark (Vete 115)
* Saurax (Magery 110)
* yotianIII (Mace 115)
* Pablo_77 (Sos +10)
* Adelaide (Parry 115)
* G - Fet (Vete 120)
* Vaako (Sos +5)
* ghostrider (Eva Int 110)
* Jorgius (Sword 110 - Tact 110 - Anatomy 110 - Parry - 110 Magery - 2x Sos +5)
* Arioch (Medi 110 - Taming 110)
17° Pag
* Elessar (Peace 115 - Music 115)
* Pierre (Sword 110)
* Grinning Demon (Disco 120 - Provo 120 - Music 120 - Peace 120)
* Legalize It (Disco 120 - Provo 120)
* Garyson (Sos +10)
* Tauron (Magery 110)
* fabrizio (Mace 115)
* lucifer (Archery 110)
* CoCaInE (Sos +5)
* Barracus (Disco 120)
* wolverine (Sos +10)
* MadMonkey (Necro 110)
* Tainus (Magery 110)
18° Pag
* acse79 (Sos +10 - Eva Int 110)
* macai59 (2x 115 archery - 2x 115 Res Spell - 115 anatomy - 115 tactics)
* avolta (Archery 110)
* V3nus3001 (Peace 120)
* Koma White (Sword 110 - Parry 110 - Tactics 110 - Anatomy 110)
* Vulpecula (Necro 110 - Tact 110)
* smjert (Sword 110 - Tact 110)
* shalafi (Parry 115)
* macai59 (Ninj 120)
* Asragorn Warlord (3x Ninj 120)
* ghostrider (Necro 110)
* Adelaide (2x Bushido 120 - 2x Ninj 120)
* grievas (Disco 120)
19° Pag
* Loz (Archery 115)
* snakeblue (Sos +15)
* Callisto DarkBlood (Lore 115)
* Merlino Il Vampiro (Eva Int 110 - Magery 110 - Meditation 110 - Focus 115)
* Drakul (Necro 115)
* Adelaide (Res Spell 110)
* AdrenaLinE (Magery 110)
* Gato (Spirit 110)
* Article (Sos +5)
* giacomo (Sos +10)
* BlackHawk (Archery 115)
* Fiore (Lore 120 - Vete 120)
* sgnapso (Tact 110 - Sos +5)
Alustriel (Magic Res 115) 212854902
20° Pag
* Dillinger (Magic Res 115)
Goodfella (Lore 120 - Disco 120) 206-472-813
* Bran (Magery 110)
- Tokot (Ritirata)
* ombranotturna (Heal 110 - Archery 115 (Esaurita) - Anatomy 115 - Tact 115 - Sos +10)
* Gilbert0 (Archery 115 (Esaurita) - Tact 110)
* durgen (2x Peace 110 - 2x vet 110 - 1x Fenc 110 - 2x Parry 110 - 1x Sword 115 - 2 x Heal 115)
* Rahim (Archery 110)
* Nagash (Wrestling 115)
* the piper (Vete 120)
Garyson (Tact 110) 248560074
Akasha (Magery 110) 336788763
Draco87 (Medit 110) 272144154
* Spartaco (stealing 115)
21° Pag
* Efestione -S- (sos +10)
* Shardis (Parry 115)
Arkktlez (Tact 110) 199473588
* Musashi (Taming 110 - Vet 115 - Lore 115)
* Demians DeRout (Necro 110)
* margun89 (Disco 120 Taming 110)
* Edel (Magery 115)
* Xentium (Parry 115 - Mace 115)
22° Pag
* Merlino Il Vampiro (Eva Int 115 - Tact 110 - Sos +10)
macai59 (2x Sos+10) 193606819
* Plait (Music 120 - Provo 120)
* Dracone (Healing 120)
* durgen (2x Stealing 115 - Tact 115)
* Draco87 (Taming 110)
Delkatis (Sword 115) 310272418
Kayser Souze (Parry 110) 226441243
* Amely (Focus 115)
* Holdian (115 Mace)
Madboa (Archery 110) 92170443
* Vox45 (Anatomy 115)
23° Pag
* Il Prescelto (Sos +15)
Midnight (Archery 110 - Anatomy 110 - Tact 115) 324016642
Fux (archery 110) 263778508
* parrukko (Lore 115 - Vete 115)
* Spartaco (Magery 115)
* LostProphet (Provo 120)
* Hologram (Magery 115 - Eva Int 115 - Wrest 115 - Parry 115)
Saurax (Peace 110 - Music 110) 221002173
auron (Archery ??? - Necro ???) NoIcq
Dark Crisio (Disco 120)
* Amely (Sword 115)
Smog (Spirit 110) 298-416-151
Come comprare una Sop in questa vendita:
1) Cercare la sop/sos nel "LISTINO" e controllare che la disponibilità sia > 0x.
2) Postare indicando le Sop/Sos desiderate lasciando il proprio contatto di Icq.
3) Contattare me (Anakin) o il mio Gm (Geonortsort) in Icq indicando la Sop/Sos che avete acquistato e il vostro nome sul forum.
Non verranno considerate:
1) Post con proposte di scambio con altri item.
2) Acquisti senza il contatto di Icq.
3) Richieste di Sop/Sos in Icq senza prima aver postato sul forum.
Durante la giornata io stesso aggiorno la lista "SOP CONSEGNATE" più volte, quindi evitate di contattarci chiedendo quante Sop/Sos sono rimaste o addirittura quanto costano.
Seguite le istruzioni e le sop verranno consegnate nel più breve tempo possibile.
Mi riservo la possibilità di cambiare i prezzi a seconda di come va il mercato.
Anakin ICQ: 191151544
Geonortsort ICQ: 113-885-006
I sell Sops 110 - 115 - 120 and SoS +5 +10 +15
How to buy a sop in this sale:
1) Look for sops in the "LISTINO" and check that the availability is > 0x.
2) Post saying the sop/sos wished leaving the contact of icq.
3) Contact me (Anakin) or my Gm (Geonortsort) in Icq indicating the Sop/Sos that you have acquired and your name on the forum.
Will not be considered:
1) Post with proposals of exchange with other items.
2) Purchases without the Icq contact.
3) Demands for sop/Sos in Icq without before having posted on the forum.
During the day I'll dawn the list "Sop Consegnate" more times, therefore you are avoided to contact us asking how much Sop/Sos are remained or how much costs.
Follow the instructions and the sops will be delivered as soon as possible.
I reserve the possibility to change the prices following the course of the Market Forum.
Anakin ICQ: 191151544
Geonortsort ICQ: 113-885-006
SOP 110
5x Archery : 120k
9x Fenc : 150k
20x Mace : 120k
16x Sword : 100k
20x Wrest : 50k
11x Parryng : 90k
15x Music : 50k
12x Peace : 50k
3x Taming : 100k
17x Lore : 80k
12x Vete : 30k
0x Tact : 150k
6x Anatomy : 150k
19x Healing : 50k
2x Eva Int : 170k
0x Magery : 270k
16x Medit : 80k
4x Magic Res : 250k
13x Necro : 40k
14x Spirit : 40k
20x Stealth : 50K
20x Stealing : 50k
10x Bushido : 150k
10x Ninj : 150k
SOP 115
0x Archery : 1kk
2x Mace : 500k
0x Sword : 700k
8x Wrestling : 700k
0x Parry : 400k
9x Music : 400k
9x Peace: 300k
3x Taming : 300k
16x Lore : 150k
17x Vete : 150k
0x Anatomy : 750k
1x Tact : 800k
17x Healing : 150k
0x Eva : 1,8kk
0x Magery : 2kk
0x Magic Res : 2kk
19x Necro : 150k
17x Spirit : 250k
20x Stealth : 150k
16x Stealing : 150k
18x Focus : 50k
10x Bushido : 500k
10x Ninj : 500k
SOP 120
2x Music : 1kk
2x Vete : 1kk
0x Healing : 500k
0x Disco : 700k
3x Provo : 400k
13x + 5 : 100k
5x + 10 : 1,2kk
1x + 15 : 3kk
Con il simbolo Asterisco "*" gli ordini evasi.
Con il simbolo Vuoto " " gli ordini inevasi.
With the symbol Asterisk "*" the orders delivered.
With the Empty symbol "" the orders not yet deliverd.
10° Pag
* Xanthos (Magic Res 110)
* -DarkThief- (Magic Res 110)
* Madboa (Music 110 - Peace 110)
* bubbaverde (Necro 110)
* Xander (Sword 115)
* bubbaverde (Spirit 110)
* gian (Taming 115)
* bubbaverde (Necro 110 - Spirit 110)
* Parsifal (Taming 115 - Stealth 120)
* Bibendus (Lore 120)
* Dorian Gray (Medit 110 - Archery 110 - Vete 110)
* Gladiator12 (Sos +10)
* dragon88 (Achery 110)
splinter (Tact 110) NoIcq
* bigkc (Sos +10)
11° Pag
* god69 (Anatomy 115)
* AlfaDon (Lore 110 - Archery 110 - Anatomy 110 - 2x Taming 110 - Sos +5)
* Madboa (Anatomy 110)
* ShAd (Parry 115)
* kappa (Parry 110)
* coppola (Archery 110)
* Trava (2x Sos +15)
* BiG EVIL (Sos +10)
* taurus (Parry 115)
* doccar79 (Taming 115)
* San Germain (Tact 115 - Anatomy 115)
* Alustriel (Sos +15)
* Sparron 666 (Tact 115)
* Cosimo (Sos +10 - Sos +15)
Ombroso (Necro 120 - Spirit 120) 60680650
12° Pag
* Allanon (Lore 120)
* Pablo_77 (2x Music 110 - 2x Peace 110 - Necro 110 - Taming 115)
* Arbaal (Sos +10)
* Aegis (Taming 115)
* shalafi (Archery 110)
* San Germain (Sos +15)
* WaKe up (Focus 115)
* Saurax (Taming 110)
* Amely (Peace 110)
* Insane (Peace 110 - Archery 110)
* Occultus Kano (Lore 115)
* Dark-M-Sora (Archery 110)
* thoc (Fenc 110 - Parry 110)
* Barimoor (Archery 110)
13° Pag
* Daeel (Taming 110 - Lore 110)
* zaomai (Magery 110)
* margravius (Mace 115)
* marvage (Magery 110)
- The_Trickmaster (Ritirata)
* Vlad Tepes (Spirit 110 - Mace 115 - Tact 110)
* maxking21 (Magery 110)
* thoc (Sos +5)
* AlexDeath_hog (Tact 115 - Sos +10)
* Maiden (Mace 115 - Tact 115 - Healing 115)
14° Pag
* dani242 (Archery 110 - Magery 110)
* Malakai (Archery 110)
* parrukko (Eva Int 115)
* M4n7iZ (Stealing 120)
* Fux (Vete 110)
* blackdraco (Sos +5)
* pdor84 (Music 110 - Peace 110)
* Alias (Taming 115 - Vete 110)
* TeRRa (Parry 115 - Sos +10)
* Pablo_773 (Fenc 110 - Spirit 110 - Magery 110)
* Maximilian (Provo 120 - Disco 120 - 2x Magery 110)
15° Pag
* AlexDeath_hog (Sos +5) 263134990
* gian (Lore 110 - Vete 110)
* snakeblue (Archery 110 - Sos +5)
* meo (Magery 115)
* Vulpecula (Archery 110 - Anatomy 110)
* Sask (Sword 115)
* MadMonkey (Magery 110)
* hyunkel_ace (Magery 115)
* Apocalisse (Sos +5 - Eva Int 110)
* Hastur^ (2x Sos +10)
* ghostrider (Magery 110)
* Clarion (Archery 110)
16° Pag
* Rob (Sos +15)
* Avalon (Magery 115)
* Lubba (Anatomy 115 - Sword 115)
* dani242 (Sos +5 - Archery 110 - 110 Tactics)
* Shark (Vete 115)
* Saurax (Magery 110)
* yotianIII (Mace 115)
* Pablo_77 (Sos +10)
* Adelaide (Parry 115)
* G - Fet (Vete 120)
* Vaako (Sos +5)
* ghostrider (Eva Int 110)
* Jorgius (Sword 110 - Tact 110 - Anatomy 110 - Parry - 110 Magery - 2x Sos +5)
* Arioch (Medi 110 - Taming 110)
17° Pag
* Elessar (Peace 115 - Music 115)
* Pierre (Sword 110)
* Grinning Demon (Disco 120 - Provo 120 - Music 120 - Peace 120)
* Legalize It (Disco 120 - Provo 120)
* Garyson (Sos +10)
* Tauron (Magery 110)
* fabrizio (Mace 115)
* lucifer (Archery 110)
* CoCaInE (Sos +5)
* Barracus (Disco 120)
* wolverine (Sos +10)
* MadMonkey (Necro 110)
* Tainus (Magery 110)
18° Pag
* acse79 (Sos +10 - Eva Int 110)
* macai59 (2x 115 archery - 2x 115 Res Spell - 115 anatomy - 115 tactics)
* avolta (Archery 110)
* V3nus3001 (Peace 120)
* Koma White (Sword 110 - Parry 110 - Tactics 110 - Anatomy 110)
* Vulpecula (Necro 110 - Tact 110)
* smjert (Sword 110 - Tact 110)
* shalafi (Parry 115)
* macai59 (Ninj 120)
* Asragorn Warlord (3x Ninj 120)
* ghostrider (Necro 110)
* Adelaide (2x Bushido 120 - 2x Ninj 120)
* grievas (Disco 120)
19° Pag
* Loz (Archery 115)
* snakeblue (Sos +15)
* Callisto DarkBlood (Lore 115)
* Merlino Il Vampiro (Eva Int 110 - Magery 110 - Meditation 110 - Focus 115)
* Drakul (Necro 115)
* Adelaide (Res Spell 110)
* AdrenaLinE (Magery 110)
* Gato (Spirit 110)
* Article (Sos +5)
* giacomo (Sos +10)
* BlackHawk (Archery 115)
* Fiore (Lore 120 - Vete 120)
* sgnapso (Tact 110 - Sos +5)
Alustriel (Magic Res 115) 212854902
20° Pag
* Dillinger (Magic Res 115)
Goodfella (Lore 120 - Disco 120) 206-472-813
* Bran (Magery 110)
- Tokot (Ritirata)
* ombranotturna (Heal 110 - Archery 115 (Esaurita) - Anatomy 115 - Tact 115 - Sos +10)
* Gilbert0 (Archery 115 (Esaurita) - Tact 110)
* durgen (2x Peace 110 - 2x vet 110 - 1x Fenc 110 - 2x Parry 110 - 1x Sword 115 - 2 x Heal 115)
* Rahim (Archery 110)
* Nagash (Wrestling 115)
* the piper (Vete 120)
Garyson (Tact 110) 248560074
Akasha (Magery 110) 336788763
Draco87 (Medit 110) 272144154
* Spartaco (stealing 115)
21° Pag
* Efestione -S- (sos +10)
* Shardis (Parry 115)
Arkktlez (Tact 110) 199473588
* Musashi (Taming 110 - Vet 115 - Lore 115)
* Demians DeRout (Necro 110)
* margun89 (Disco 120 Taming 110)
* Edel (Magery 115)
* Xentium (Parry 115 - Mace 115)
22° Pag
* Merlino Il Vampiro (Eva Int 115 - Tact 110 - Sos +10)
macai59 (2x Sos+10) 193606819
* Plait (Music 120 - Provo 120)
* Dracone (Healing 120)
* durgen (2x Stealing 115 - Tact 115)
* Draco87 (Taming 110)
Delkatis (Sword 115) 310272418
Kayser Souze (Parry 110) 226441243
* Amely (Focus 115)
* Holdian (115 Mace)
Madboa (Archery 110) 92170443
* Vox45 (Anatomy 115)
23° Pag
* Il Prescelto (Sos +15)
Midnight (Archery 110 - Anatomy 110 - Tact 115) 324016642
Fux (archery 110) 263778508
* parrukko (Lore 115 - Vete 115)
* Spartaco (Magery 115)
* LostProphet (Provo 120)
* Hologram (Magery 115 - Eva Int 115 - Wrest 115 - Parry 115)
Saurax (Peace 110 - Music 110) 221002173
auron (Archery ??? - Necro ???) NoIcq
Dark Crisio (Disco 120)
* Amely (Sword 115)
Smog (Spirit 110) 298-416-151