A me pare che ora che la situazione si sta riequilibrando stiate piagnucolando un pò troppo, forse perchè era divertente quando in 10 venivate a segare 4 com e magari vi si rizzava pure il pisello.
"I have seen my funeral in a thousand dreams
Its beauty…
Now the night descends
and drowns me in this dream once again…
Endless sleep… giving me peace
and eternally bringing release
Nothing more to be done
Nothing more to be lived for me "
"I have seen my funeral in a thousand dreams
Its beauty…
Now the night descends
and drowns me in this dream once again…
Endless sleep… giving me peace
and eternally bringing release
Nothing more to be done
Nothing more to be lived for me "
1 mace 110 e se ne avete qualche 110 res spell ( 3 o 4)
ICQ 349070805
Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer