Cosa è vietato in tutti i thread:
4. Postare per ragioni non attinenti allo scopo del thread o per giudicare - in qualsiasi modo - le scelte del thread starter. Pena: edit del post e, a discrezione del moderatore, bollino Spammer.
What is forbidden in all threads:
4. To post anything irrelevant to the thread purpose and to judge prices and/or choices of thread starter. Punishment: post edit and, at moderator’s discretion, Spammer Mark.
4. Postare per ragioni non attinenti allo scopo del thread o per giudicare - in qualsiasi modo - le scelte del thread starter. Pena: edit del post e, a discrezione del moderatore, bollino Spammer.
What is forbidden in all threads:
4. To post anything irrelevant to the thread purpose and to judge prices and/or choices of thread starter. Punishment: post edit and, at moderator’s discretion, Spammer Mark.