No ICQ or MSN, but meet you at Luna maybe? 21.00-22.00, (Im not sure was it GMT +2 or +3) my char name is Seco Rotta. oh btw whats the time there? Here its now 20.04, this board is GMT -1
1. To use tags other than: [AUCTION] ([ASTA]), [SALE] ([VENDO]), [BUY] ([COMPRO]), [ADVERTISING] ([PUBBLICITÀ]), [TRADE] ([SCAMBIO]) in the title. Minuscule characters, different brackets or other styles are not allowed. Punishment: Thread closing and, in case of repeated violation: Spammer Mark. 2. Not to specify properly in the thread's title (e.g. "selling", "nice stuff" aren't valid titles, "leggings lrc lmc" is ok). Punishment: thread closing and, if the violation is repeated, Spammer Mark. 5. To spam asking continuously for contacts when the thread is exhausted (e.g. auction with a winner).Punishment: post edit plus, at moderator's discretion, Spammer mark.