--->> Vendita Immediata Dei Metalli Sottocitati In Lotti A Vostra Scelta <<---
--->> Immediate Sale Of The Metals Cited In Amount To Your Choice <<---
[Quantità In Costante Aggiornamento]
[Amount In Constant Update]
Metal ---------- Qt. ----- Price Pz.
Iron ----------- K ---- 12 gp
Dull Copper -- 14K ---- 20 gp
Shadow ----- 20K ---- 22 gp
Copper ------ 51K ---- 24 gp
Bronze ------ 12K ---- 30 gp
Gold --------- 31K ---- 30 gp
--->> Immediate Sale Of The Metals Cited In Amount To Your Choice <<---
[Quantità In Costante Aggiornamento]
[Amount In Constant Update]
Metal ---------- Qt. ----- Price Pz.
Iron ----------- K ---- 12 gp
Dull Copper -- 14K ---- 20 gp
Shadow ----- 20K ---- 22 gp
Copper ------ 51K ---- 24 gp
Bronze ------ 12K ---- 30 gp
Gold --------- 31K ---- 30 gp
Oltre Le Quantità Elencate Si Accettano Ordinazioni Solo Di Iron (Tempi Di Consegna Variabili)
Accept Only Iron Ingots Ordered Beyond the Amounts Listed (Variable Delivered Time)
Verde/Green -- In Consegna/ To Delivered
Giallo/Yellow -- In Completamento/In Execution
Rosso/Red -- In Attesa/In attended of delivery
Player --------- Amount -------- Data ----- Price
gpssant ---- 20k Dull-30k Sh ------- / ----- 1.060.000 gp

ildioscuro --- 2k Dull-1k Sh-1k Gld --- / ------- 92.000 gp
