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  • [COMPRO] Mace UBWS!

    La mace deve avere

    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Damage increase piu possibile
    hit lighting almeno 30

    L'importante che abbia queste prop poi vedrò l'intensità. Cmq la pago a partire da 500k in su. Postate qualsiasi mace abbia queste prop.

    203916987 mio icq
    Ultima modifica di legolas93; 21-06-2007, 19:20.
    • LeGo CoNtAdInO
    • CoNtAdInO Family
    • Von Luen Family
    • EOS nel cuore
    • [LvX] Member
    • TB Reborn Project
    • ICQ:436970593

    Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
    Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.

  • #2
    • LeGo CoNtAdInO
    • CoNtAdInO Family
    • Von Luen Family
    • EOS nel cuore
    • [LvX] Member
    • TB Reborn Project
    • ICQ:436970593

    Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
    Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


    • #3
      letto male scusa
      Ultima modifica di Francesco91; 19-06-2007, 12:26.


      • #4
        • LeGo CoNtAdInO
        • CoNtAdInO Family
        • Von Luen Family
        • EOS nel cuore
        • [LvX] Member
        • TB Reborn Project
        • ICQ:436970593

        Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
        Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


        • #5
          Weight: 14 Stones
          Crafted By Maurice
          Use Best Weapon Skill
          Damage Increase 35%
          Hit Fireball 28%
          Hit Mana Leech 18%
          Physical Damage 100%
          Weapon Damage 12 - 14
          Weapon Speed 40
          Strength Requirement 45
          One-Handed Weapon
          Skill Required: Mace Fighting
          Durability 6 / 53

          se ti interessa contattami
          ...Qualcuno ha detto che a volare troppo in alto si rischia di farsi male cadendo... può essere. Ma quello che ho visto lassù, vale ogni dolore ricevuto precipitando a terra; vale che io sia qui, a vincere i miei giorni tra un ricordo passato e uno sguardo al futuro...


          • #6
            • LeGo CoNtAdInO
            • CoNtAdInO Family
            • Von Luen Family
            • EOS nel cuore
            • [LvX] Member
            • TB Reborn Project
            • ICQ:436970593

            Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
            Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


            • #7
              cambiato props!
              • LeGo CoNtAdInO
              • CoNtAdInO Family
              • Von Luen Family
              • EOS nel cuore
              • [LvX] Member
              • TB Reborn Project
              • ICQ:436970593

              Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
              Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


              • #8
                • LeGo CoNtAdInO
                • CoNtAdInO Family
                • Von Luen Family
                • EOS nel cuore
                • [LvX] Member
                • TB Reborn Project
                • ICQ:436970593

                Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
                Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


                • #9
                  • LeGo CoNtAdInO
                  • CoNtAdInO Family
                  • Von Luen Family
                  • EOS nel cuore
                  • [LvX] Member
                  • TB Reborn Project
                  • ICQ:436970593

                  Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
                  Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


                  • #10
                    • LeGo CoNtAdInO
                    • CoNtAdInO Family
                    • Von Luen Family
                    • EOS nel cuore
                    • [LvX] Member
                    • TB Reborn Project
                    • ICQ:436970593

                    Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
                    Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


                    Sto operando...