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[ASTA]Armi sc no malus&altro

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  • [ASTA]Armi sc no malus&altro

    Partono tutte con una base di 50k e ogni rilancio è libero^^

    Lotto 1
    Skinning Knife
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Faster Casting -1
    Hit Lower Defense 40%
    Hit Mana Leech 46%
    Spell Channeling
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 80%
    Fire Damage 20%
    Weapon Damage 9 - 11
    Weapon Speed 49
    Strength Requirement 5
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordsmanship
    Durability 40 / 40
    Lotto 2
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Hit Dispel 2%
    Hit Lower Defense 10%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 43
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 101 / 101
    Lotto 3
    Bone Harvester
    Weight: 3 Stones
    Poison Resist 12%
    Spell Channeling
    Swing Speed Increase 10%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 13 - 15
    Weapon Speed 36
    Strength Requirement 25
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordsmanship
    Durability 98 / 98
    Lotto 4
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Defense Chance Increase 7%
    Hit Harm 50%
    Hit Stamina Leech 36%
    Lower Requirements 10%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 11
    Weapon Speed 56
    Strength Requirement 9
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 36 / 36
    Lotto 5
    Weight: 12 Stones
    Elemental Slayer
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Lightning 44%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 17 - 18
    Weapon Speed 24
    Strength Requirement 95
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 33 / 33
    Lotto 6
    Weight: 14 Stones
    Energy Resist 4%
    Hit Lower Defense 50%
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 50%
    Fire Damage 50%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 14
    Weapon Speed 40
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Mace Fighting
    Durability 81 / 81
    Lotto 7
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Physical Resist 10%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Hit Lower Attack 30%
    Lower Requirements 50%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 43
    Strength Requirement 22
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 52 / 108
    Lotto 8
    Weight: 6 Stones
    Damage Increase 18%
    Hit Life Leech 28%
    Hit Magic Arrow 42%
    Swing Speed Increase 10%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 11 - 13
    Weapon Speed 46
    Strength Requirement 25
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordsmanship
    Durability 61 / 67
    Lotto 9
    Weight: 8 Stones
    Cold Resist 5%
    Damage Increase 8%
    Hit Lower Defense 24%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 14
    Weapon Speed 45
    Strength Requirement 35
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Mace Fighting
    Durability 65 / 65

    Ogni asta termina 48h dopo l'ultima offerta.
    Il vincitore lasci il suo msn, provvederò io a contattarlo^^

    Buona fortuna
    <a href="" target="_blank" title="d3"><img src="" alt="d3"></a>



    Ps la mia firma fa cagare

  • #2
    3) base
    KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


    • #3
      Ultima modifica di extremeblao; 27-06-2007, 02:39.

      Finalmente una firma degna di nota...


      • #4

        P.S.: parto adesso per le vacanze per 2 settimane circa, quindi le consegne e ritiro soldi verranno effettuate da un mio amico in real con il suo pg-->Firoga.
        Provvederà lui a contattarvi.
        <a href="" target="_blank" title="d3"><img src="" alt="d3"></a>

        NSA REGNA


        Ps la mia firma fa cagare


        Sto operando...