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[ASTA]Varie Armi di Ogni Tipo Tutte Base 50k!!

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  • [ASTA]Varie Armi di Ogni Tipo Tutte Base 50k!!

    Metto all'asta le seguenti armi:

    Lotto 1

    Demon Slayer
    Hit Lower Attack 4%
    Luck 30

    Lotto 2

    War Fork
    Physical Resist 12%
    Hit Harm 30%
    Hit Mana Leech 8%
    Hit Stamina Leech 40%
    Swing Speed Increase 25%

    Lotto 3

    Fire Resist 10%
    Damage Increase 21%
    Defense Chance Increase 11%
    Hit Chance Increase 13%
    Hit Lightning 36%

    Lotto 4

    Fire Resist 10%
    Defense Chance Increase 13%
    Hit Fireball 20%
    Spell Channeling(no malus)

    Lotto 5

    Damage Increase 43%
    Faster Casting 1
    Hit Lower Defense 14%
    Swing Speed Increase 10%

    Lotto 6

    Undead Slayer
    Defense Chance Increase 3%

    Lotto 7

    Physical Resist 8%
    Poison Resist 14%
    Defense Chance Increase 7%
    Hit Mana Leech 32%
    Swing Speed Increase 30%

    Lotto 8

    Heavy Crossbow
    Reptile Slayer
    Energy Resist 5%
    Defense Chance Increase 5%
    Faster Casting 1
    Hit Mana Leech 42%

    Lotto 9

    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Life Leech 26%
    Hit Mana Leech 20%
    Speel Channeling(no malus)

    Lotto 10

    Physical Resist 8%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Defense Chance Increase 10%
    Swing Speed Increase 20%

    Lotto 11

    Undead Slayer

    Lotto 12

    Repeating Crossbow
    Demon Slayer
    Defense Chance Increase 9%
    Hit Harm 20%
    Hit Life Leech 20%

    Per tutte queste armi metto:

    Base Asta: 50k
    Rilancio Minimo: 50k
    Iw: No IW
    L'asta termina 72h dopo l'ultima offerta.
    Lasciate vostro icq o prendete il mio dal profilo.
    ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!

  • #2
    ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


    • #3
      ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


      • #4
        ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


        • #5
          ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


          • #6
            ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


            • #7
              ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


              • #8
                ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


                • #9
                  Lotto 12 (repeting undead slayer) - 50k

                  (I have no Ultima Online installed at now, I will install it as soon as possible, so please be patient if I win)
                  ICQ Number: 196-465-798


                  • #10
                    ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


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