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[ASTA] Scudi Spell Channeling Enhanced, Armi Luck, Armi Slayer !

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  • [ASTA] Scudi Spell Channeling Enhanced, Armi Luck, Armi Slayer !


    Come Da Titolo; di seguito trascrivo per inciso le proprietà dei Lotti - Lootati e Non - in mio possesso e le relative tariffe (quest'ultime in ampio riferimento a costi e offerte medi attualmente in quel di Sosaria). I rilanci minimi sono relativamente ma Volutamente bassi .

    Alla Vostra attenzione:


    1] Valorite Tear Kite Shield

    Defense Chance Increase 10%
    Hit Chance Increase 6%
    Lower Requirements 80%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Resist 4%
    Cold Resist 3%
    Poison Resist 3%
    Energy Resist 4%
    Durability 50%
    Strength Requirement 4
    Durability 95 / 95

    Base Asta: 35.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 10,000 gp
    Istant Win: 380.000 gp

    2] Valorite Metal Shield

    Defense Chance Increase 14%
    Faster Casting -1
    Hit Chance Increase 4%
    Lower Requirements 30%
    Self Repair 3
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 1%
    Cold Resist 3%
    Poison Resist 3%
    Energy Resist 3%
    Durability 50%
    Strength Requirement 31
    Durability 85 / 89

    Base Asta: 40.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 15.000 gp
    Istant Win: 300.000 gp

    3] Order Shield (Da Enhancing)

    Defense Chance Increase 9%
    Reflect Physical Damage 2%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Resist 1%
    Durability 50%
    Strength Requirement 95
    Durability 186 / 186

    Base Asta: 10.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: 100.000 gp


    4] Scimitar

    Dragon Slayer
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 13 - 15
    Weapon Speed 37
    Strenght Requirement 25
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 76 / 76

    Base Asta: 18.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    5] Quarter Staff

    Blood Elemental Slayer
    Physical Resist 11%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Hit Lower Defence 6%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 11 - 14
    Weapon Speed 48
    Strength Requirement 30
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Mace Fighting
    Durability 48 / 48

    Base Asta: 20.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    6] Viking Sword

    Blood Elemental Slayer
    Fire Resist 2%
    Lower Requirements 90%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 15 - 17
    Weapon Speed 28
    Strength Requirement 4
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 77 / 77

    Base Asta: 20.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 10,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    7] Yumi (Arco Lungo)

    Dragon Slayer
    Defense Chance Increase 1%
    Hit Dispel 6%
    Hit Harm 30%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 18 - 20
    Weapon Speed 25
    Range 10
    Strength Requirement 35
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Archery
    Durability 57 / 57

    Base Asta: 20.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    8] Katana

    Blood Elemental Slayer
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 11 - 13
    Weapon Speed 46
    Strength Requirement 25
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 55 / 55

    Base Asta: 15.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    9] Cleaver

    Blood Elemental Slayer
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 11 - 13
    Weapon Speed 46
    Strength Requirement 10
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 35 / 35

    Base Asta: 15.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 5,000 gp
    Istant Win: No

    ARMI LUCK (Alta):

    10] Two Handed Axe

    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Lower Defence 18%
    Luck 88
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 16 - 17
    Weapon Speed 31
    Strength Requirement 40
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 53 / 53

    Base Asta: 70.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 15,000 gp
    Istant Win: 400.000 gp

    11] Bardiche

    Damage Increase 20%
    Luck 94
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 17 - 18
    Weapon Speed 28
    Strength Requirement 45
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Swordmanship
    Durability 85 / 85

    Base Asta: 72.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 15,000 gp
    Istant Win: 200.000 gp

    12] Golden Tekagi (Enhanced)

    Defense Chance Increase 4%
    Hit Lower Defence 48%
    Lower Requirements 50%
    Luck 136
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 53
    Strength Requirement 5
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 39 / 39

    Base Asta: 200.000 gp
    Rilancio Minimo: 20,000 gp
    Istant Win: Hooded Proud of Shadows (Non Originale)

    __________________________________________________ ________________

    . L'Asta ha Termine a 24h dall'ultima offerta, per ogni Lotto.

    . Gli interessati possono lasciare il proprio Icq o Msn per ogni eventualità.

    . Mio Icq e Msn in Sign.

    Buona giornata e buon gioco
    Ultima modifica di DamnedHorror; 08-04-2006, 15:11.
    On :

    Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
    Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
    Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
    Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

    Icq: 249114785

    . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .

  • #2

    Dai non credo che a nessuno interessi qualche Blood Elemental Slayer da, volendo, enhanciare! O qualche armina Luck non poco allettante.. sù sù, mi rifiuto di lasciar tutto in terza pagina :P .
    On :

    Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
    Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
    Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
    Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

    Icq: 249114785

    . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .


    • #3

      Basi decrementate coraggio gente!
      On :

      Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
      Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
      Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
      Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

      Icq: 249114785

      . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .


      • #4

        On :

        Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
        Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
        Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
        Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

        Icq: 249114785

        . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .


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