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[VENDO/SCAMBIO] Broadsword sgrava da pvp

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  • [VENDO/SCAMBIO] Broadsword sgrava da pvp

    Questa è la broadsword:

    Cold Restist 7
    DI 36
    HD 26
    HLD 12
    HML 44

    La vendo per + o - 300k o la scambio per un'arma da sword (o con ubws) veloce con ssi alta, meglio a una mano, am va bene anke a due.

    When WindBreakers ruled the World.
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  • #2
    trade the broadsword for this butcher knife:

    butcher knife
    faster casting 1
    hit life leech 34%
    mage weapon -23
    swing speed increase 15%

    trade the broadsword for this butcher knife?

    contact me:
    icq 338414181


    • #3
      Originally posted by Speranzini
      trade the broadsword for this butcher knife:

      butcher knife
      faster casting 1
      hit life leech 34%
      mage weapon -23
      swing speed increase 15%

      trade the broadsword for this butcher knife?

      contact me:
      icq 338414181
      this butcher knife is not bad, but it has no DI...sorry

      altre offerte?

      When WindBreakers ruled the World.
      Come scaricare Ultima Online Automap funzionante


      • #4
        I offer you my katana:

        DI 38%
        SS 25%
        Hit Harm 16%

        I also have a nice cleaver but I will deal for it is:

        HC 8%
        HML 46%
        SS 10%
        Hit Lower Attack 22%
        Hit Magic Arrow 2% XD
        Gargolye Slayer :P

        Contact Me at icq: 347-333-495


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alucard
          I offer you my katana:

          DI 38%
          SS 25%
          Hit Harm 16%

          I also have a nice cleaver but I will deal for it is:

          HC 8%
          HML 46%
          SS 10%
          Hit Lower Attack 22%
          Hit Magic Arrow 2% XD
          Gargolye Slayer :P

          Contact Me at icq: 347-333-495
          ok, i like your katana...i will contact soon as i icq is Jarko (307-805-289)
          Ultima modifica di Skullx; 17-10-2005, 21:27.

          When WindBreakers ruled the World.
          Come scaricare Ultima Online Automap funzionante


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