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[ASTA] War Fork Poison ress1% Hci11% Hsl26% Ssi25%!!

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  • [ASTA] War Fork Poison ress1% Hci11% Hsl26% Ssi25%!!

    All'asta una: War Fork

    Poison Resist 1%
    Hit Chance Increase 11%
    Hit Stamina Leech 26%
    Swing Speed Increase 25%

    Base d'Asta: 150k
    Rilanci Minimi di: 50k
    No Iw

    LAsciare icq
    L'asta Termina 48 dall'ultima offerta
    Per info icq: 205206585
    Since September 2004
    Lord Xear [КrŤ] Knights Of The Round Table
    Lord Xear [OF] Opposite Force

    I'm Back to The OF Guild
    .:IcQ:. 205206585

    Un grazie a +BlackHawk+ per L'Avatar
    Inattivo da un bel pezzo!

  • #2
    Since September 2004
    Lord Xear [КrŤ] Knights Of The Round Table
    Lord Xear [OF] Opposite Force

    I'm Back to The OF Guild
    .:IcQ:. 205206585

    Un grazie a +BlackHawk+ per L'Avatar
    Inattivo da un bel pezzo!


    • #3
      Chiudo va
      Since September 2004
      Lord Xear [КrŤ] Knights Of The Round Table
      Lord Xear [OF] Opposite Force

      I'm Back to The OF Guild
      .:IcQ:. 205206585

      Un grazie a +BlackHawk+ per L'Avatar
      Inattivo da un bel pezzo!


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