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[ASTA] -=Chaos Shield =- Hit 14-Def 13-RpD 8-Sr 2-LR 30-Luck40-Res 2-1-2-x-2

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  • [ASTA] -=Chaos Shield =- Hit 14-Def 13-RpD 8-Sr 2-LR 30-Luck40-Res 2-1-2-x-2


    Riesto il pezzo per via di un incomprensione (chi lo aveva comprato credeva fosse Spell chann)
    Lo scudo e' enhanciato in Oro (per avere LR)

    -=Chaos Shield=-

    Hit Chance Increase 14%
    Defense Chance Increase 13%
    Reflect Physical Damage 8%
    Lower Requirement 30%
    Luck 40
    Self Repair 2
    Physical Resist 2%
    Fire Resist 1%
    Cold Resist 2%
    Energy Resist 2%
    Strength Requirement 66
    Durability 100/100

    Base 900k
    Rilanci 100k
    IW 3,5kk
    Termine Asta 24 ore dopo l'ultima offerta
    Lasciate ICQ
    Il mio e' nel profilo

    ICQ 349070805

    Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
    14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
    03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer

  • #2

    ICQ 349070805

    Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
    14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
    03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer


    • #3


      Maul SC NO Malus Dci8 Hci10


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