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[ASTA] Schyte Hit Chance 12, Swing 20

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  • [ASTA] Schyte Hit Chance 12, Swing 20


    Hit Chance Increase 12%
    Swing speed increase 20%
    No malus

    Base: 100k
    IW: 500k
    Rilancio minimo: 10k

    L'asta termina 24h dopo l'ultima offerta

    Icq: 119312559

  • #2
    In che senso NO MALUS? E'Spell Channeling, pure?!!!
    Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


    • #3
      nel senso ke non ha fc -1 ecc
      cmq non è sc


      • #4
        Guarda, devi avere fatto un po'di confusione, fc -1 è l'unico malus che può venir fuori e SOLO se è SC.
        Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


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