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  • [VALUTAZIONE] 3 kryss

    1) Damage incr 31%
    Luck 59
    Swing 15%
    Spell chan (no malus)

    2)Fire res 8
    Use Best Weapon skill
    Damage incr 30%
    Swing 15%
    Hit harm 14%
    Hit life leech 28%

    3) Fire res 6
    Cold res 8
    Hit chance 10%
    Hit stamina leeck 20%
    Swing 10%

    Quanto possono valere??
    Forever a Keeeper of The Passage

  • #2

    1) Damage incr 31%
    Luck 59
    Swing 15%
    Spell chan (no malus)

    Molto troppo anke + d 1.5kk secondo me

    2)Fire res 8
    Use Best Weapon skill
    Damage incr 30%
    Swing 15%
    Hit harm 14%
    Hit life leech 28%

    abbastanza fino a 500k arriva


    • #3
      Re: [VALUTAZIONE] 3 kryss

      Originally posted by Lotus Van Ghal
      1) Damage incr 31%
      Luck 59
      Swing 15%
      Spell chan (no malus)

      2)Fire res 8
      Use Best Weapon skill
      Damage incr 30%
      Swing 15%
      Hit harm 14%
      Hit life leech 28%

      3) Fire res 6
      Cold res 8
      Hit chance 10%
      Hit stamina leeck 20%
      Swing 10%

      Quanto possono valere??
      la prima credo massimo sui 150-200k, perke' un mago di quelle proprieta' nn se ne fa nulla e x un fencer c'è d meglio

      la seconda potrebbe valere 50k in piu della prima x ubws

      la terza un 50k


      • #4
        Forever a Keeeper of The Passage


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