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ASTA Repeating Crossbow Dragon Slayer

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  • ASTA Repeating Crossbow Dragon Slayer

    vendo la suddetta balestra
    prezzo base 30k
    rilanci 5k
    iw 100k
    fine asta domenica 6 giugno alle ore 22.00 o dopo 48 dall'ultima offerta valida

    *mettere icq nel post o non riterrò valida l'offerta*
    I am an outcast
    On the path of no return
    Punisher and swordman
    I was born to burn
    Black Wind always follows
    Where my black horse rides
    Fire's in my soul
    Steel in on my side

    ICQ: 164835992

  • #2
    Sei già stato bollinato, se non la smetti di spammare finisci con la sospensione dal forum.
    Ultima modifica di rio79; 28-05-2004, 03:40.


    • #3
      Base! 294455621


      • #4
        I am an outcast
        On the path of no return
        Punisher and swordman
        I was born to burn
        Black Wind always follows
        Where my black horse rides
        Fire's in my soul
        Steel in on my side

        ICQ: 164835992


        • #5
          a solo dragon slayer o anche altri bonus????

          Maul SC NO Malus Dci8 Hci10


          • #6
            ha solo quello e un lower requirement
            I am an outcast
            On the path of no return
            Punisher and swordman
            I was born to burn
            Black Wind always follows
            Where my black horse rides
            Fire's in my soul
            Steel in on my side

            ICQ: 164835992


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