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[ASTA] Scudi Runici

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  • [ASTA] Scudi Runici

    - Rilanci minimi di 3k
    - Instant Win 6 volte la base
    - Termine asta: 24 ore l'ultimo rilancio
    - Se non mi contattate entro 24 ore dalla vincità dell'asta considererò il pezzo rivendibile.

    1) Exceptional Valorite Bronze shield
    Defence chance increase 9%
    Self repair 3
    Resistenze: 5-0-5-6-4
    Base 5k

    2) Exceptional Valorite Bronze Shield
    Faster Casting -1
    Hit Chance Increase 9%
    Spell Channeling
    Resistenze: 6-1-4-4-5
    Base 5k

    3) Exceptional Valorite Bronze Shield
    Faster Casting 1
    Hit Chance Increase 9%
    Resistenze: 4-2-5-4-5
    Base 20k

    4) Exceptional Verite Metal Shield
    Defence Chance Increase 8%
    Hit Chance Increase 8%
    Resistenze: 4-4-2-6-3
    Base 15k

    5) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Defence Chance Increase 5%
    Spell Channeling
    Resistenze: 5-2-5-3-5
    Base 10k

    6) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Self Repair 2
    Resistenze: 6-2-4-4-4
    Base 1k

    7) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Defence Chance Increase 8%
    Self Repair 3
    Resistenze: 6-4-4-3-3
    Base 5k

    8) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Defence Chance Increase 9%
    Faster Casting -1
    Self Repair 3
    Spell Channeling
    Resistenze: 6-3-4-3-4
    Base 8k

    9) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Defence Chance Increase 6%
    Faster Casting 1
    Self Repair 3
    Resistenze: 4-3-4-5-4
    Base 10k

    10) Exceptional Valorite Metal Shield
    Spell Channeling
    Resistenze: 4-3-7-3-3
    Base 10k

    Se vincete l'asta contattatemi con ICQ al numero 9941793
    Ultima modifica di tupaz; 25-02-2004, 02:59.

  • #2
    5) Base

    Vendita Vampiric Embrace a 6k l'una


    • #3
      4 base

      Un ringraziamento particolare a Sazabi per la firma


      • #4
        5) 20k
        10) Base

        ICQ 349070805

        ICQ 349070805

        Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
        14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
        03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer


        • #5
          3) base
          icq nel profilo

          Volrath Leamas[Kotrt]
          since MooN on Ultima Online


          • #6
            5) 30k

            "I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes -Sparklehorse"
            "Come on along with the black rider, we'll have a gay old time -Tom Waits"


            • #7
              4) 20k
              ThErE ArE OnLy 2 kInDs oF SmOkErS: tHe oNeS WhO OwN A RoOr, AnD ThE OnEs wHo dReAm aBoUt hAvInG OnE!!!


              • #8
                2 base
                Firma Irregolare, Editata.

                Freddy - GN Administrator


                • #9
                  7 base.
                  Di fianco a me, morente anch'esso, giace il fallimento, avversario subdolo, ma apprezzabile per la sua tenacia. Oggi sono stato io il più forte, mio antico rivale.



                  • #10
                    .... 4 IW

                    Un ringraziamento particolare a Sazabi per la firma


                    • #11
                      10) 13k

                      Vendita Vampiric Embrace a 6k l'una


                      • #12
                        2) 8k


                        • #13
                          5) 38k
                          ICQ 349070805

                          ICQ 349070805

                          Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
                          14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
                          03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer


                          • #14
                            Vabeh, 5

                            Instant Win

                            "I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes -Sparklehorse"
                            "Come on along with the black rider, we'll have a gay old time -Tom Waits"


                            • #15
                              Ho vinto il 7. 131488242.
                              Di fianco a me, morente anch'esso, giace il fallimento, avversario subdolo, ma apprezzabile per la sua tenacia. Oggi sono stato io il più forte, mio antico rivale.



                              Sto operando...