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- Lain Von Luen - Dreaming Soul
- PiUMA Von Luen - King Of Enhance
- Templar of Britain Faction = LvX =
- Scambio bod da Barbed
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Originariamente inviato da RULES3. "Upping" a thread more than once in 24h, calculated since the last post (not necessarily by the thread starter). For example: A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00. A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again. Ups posted a few time before the end of 24h. are also irregular so there is not any excuse allowed. Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP". Penalty: 100k fine and, at moderator's discretion, thread closure. The penalty will be doubled in case of keeping upping irregularly.ICQ: 393653956
Gingillo's Desing.
Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.
spiacente dakhu ma mi serve come il pane nn posso nn averlo
6kkLista dei Punti di Xorina
icq 112740352
Originariamente inviato da sashkaasd Visualizza il messaggioupupupWhat is forbidden in every thread:
3. "Upping" a thread more than once in 24h, calculated since the last post (not necessarily by the thread starter). For example: A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00. A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again. Ups posted a few time before the end of 24h. are also irregular so there is not any excuse allowed. Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP". Penalty: 100k fine and, at moderator's discretion, thread closure. The penalty will be doubled in case of keeping upping irregularly.ICQ 716489911
Discord Traif#4427