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[VENDO] Un po' di Monili da 20K a 350K

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  • [VENDO] Un po' di Monili da 20K a 350K

    Eccoli qua

    1) Bracialet
    Discordance +11
    Prezzo: 30K

    2) Bracialet
    Anatomy +7
    Bushido +9
    FCR 2
    STR Bonus 3
    PH Res 10%
    Prezzo: 90K

    3) Bracialet
    Mace +15
    DCI 6%
    Enhance Potion 15%
    FCR 1
    Poison Res 3%
    Prezzo: 80K

    4) Bracialet
    Provocation +6
    Chivalry +14
    DCI 5%
    FC 1
    Luck 69
    Prezzo: 120K

    5) Bracialet
    Animal Lore +12
    Str Bonus 5
    Prezzo: 80K

    6) Bracialet
    Musicianship +14
    Chivalry +12
    Bushido +10
    Prezzo: 350K

    7) Bracialet
    Archery +9
    DI 4%
    Enhance Potion 25%
    LMC 2%
    Prezzo: 20K

    8) Bracialet
    Ev int +14
    FC 1
    Ph Res 5%
    Prezzo: 150K

    9) Bracialet
    Anatomy +11
    Sword +14
    Dex Bonus 3
    Prezzo: 150K

    10) Bracialet
    Musicianship +15
    SDI 6%
    Prezzo: 80K

    11) Ring
    Stealing +12
    Veterinary +1
    DCI 5%
    Prezzo: 150K

    12) Ring
    Bushido +13
    DCI 2%
    FCR 2
    Cold res 9%
    Energy res 13%
    Prezzo: 120K

    13) Ring
    Healing +15
    Int bonus 1
    Prezzo: 80K

    14) Ring
    Pace +8
    Provocation +1
    Luck 57
    Prezzo: 40K

    15) Ring
    Sword +13
    DI 6%
    Dex bonus 4
    Int Bonus 4
    FC 1
    Prezzo: 150K

    16) Ring
    Magery +11
    DCI 12%
    Dex bonus 3
    FCR 1
    HCI 2%
    Prezzo: 100K

    17) Ring
    Musicianship +11
    FCR 1
    Cold res 15%
    Prezzo: 80K

    18) Ring
    Mace +11
    Pace +14
    LMC 6%
    SDI 6%
    Prezzo: 150K

    19) Ring
    Pace +12
    DI 2%
    Int bonus 5%
    Poison Res 8%
    Energy res 7%
    Prezzo: 90K

    20) Ring Venduto
    Necro +13
    LMC 2%
    Str Bonus 4
    Prezzo: 100K

    21) Ring
    DI 10%
    HCI 12%
    Prezzo: 30K

    22) Ring
    Magery +12
    Enhance Potion 5%
    Ph res 3%
    Fire res 7%
    Energy res 5%
    Prezzo: 100K

    23) Ring
    Medit +11
    Ev int +10
    DI 9%
    HCI 10%
    Prezzo 200K

    24) Bracialet
    Res Spel +13
    Stealing +1
    Int Bonus +3
    Str Bonus +1
    Prezzo 100K

    Contatti insigna, postate e poi contattate
    Ultima modifica di thoc; 09-02-2008, 14:22. Motivo: aggiornamento

    Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

    "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."

  • #2

    Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

    "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


    • #3
      20 mio

      ICQ: 204-621-943 <-- preferito rispetto a msn
      MSN: marcolino3000[at]


      • #4
        20) Consegnato

        Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

        "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


        • #5

          Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

          "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


          • #6

            Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

            "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


            • #7

              Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

              "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


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