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[COMPRO] Bracciale con DCI (+bonus stat e altro)

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  • [COMPRO] Bracciale con DCI (+bonus stat e altro)

    Cerco il bracciale che avete e per il quale avete esclamato
    "#@%! se avesse avuto pure Hit sarebbe stato STUPENDO ma vaf@#€!!"

    Ecco...a me Hit nn serve ma deve avere:

    +13/+15 DCI
    Bonus Stat almeno 8 (mi vanno bene sia INT che DEX che STR)
    LMC almeno 5%

    Bonus che fanno salire il prezzo
    Damage Increase
    Bonus Skill (Combattive tranne Wrest, Res Spell, Healing, tactics, Anatomy)
    Enhance Potion (almeno 15)

    Pago kk (da quantificare in base al bonus stat e LMC)

    Cosa NN mi interessano e per i quali NN scucirò un gp in piu'
    Fc, Fcr,Spell damage, Hit Chance, LRC, Resistenze.

    Postate o chiamate o Postate E chiamate

    UPPERO FINO ALLA MORTE (o alla chiusura del post )

    ICQ 349070805

    Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
    14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
    03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer

  • #2

    ICQ 349070805

    Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
    14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
    03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer


    • #3

      ICQ 349070805

      Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
      14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
      03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4° ) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer


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