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[SCAMBIO] *Pezzi Armor Troppo Sgravi*

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  • [SCAMBIO] *Pezzi Armor Troppo Sgravi*

    CERCO GLOVES COSI'... o Simili ^_^

    Hit Point Increase 5
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 15%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 10o13%
    Poison Resist 20o25%
    Energy Resist 4%


    Lotto numero 1
    Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Emilyth
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Lower Mana Cost 5%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 16%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 25%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 103 / 189

    Lotto numero 2
    Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Lower Reagent Cost 19%
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 18%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 128 / 209

    Lotto numero 3
    Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Luck 95
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 17%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 12%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 39

    Lotto numero 4
    Barbed Arcane Gloves
    Crafted By Enya Dei Boschi
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 16%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 22%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 36 / 36
    Arcane Charges: 8 / 20

    Lotto numero 5
    Barbed Arcane Gloves
    Crafted By Emilyth
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Lower Mana Cost 4%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 20%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 144 / 255
    Arcane Charges: 12 / 20

    Lotto numero 6
    Barbed Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Reagent Cost 8%
    Mana Increase 5
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 20%
    Fire Resist 20%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 227 / 251

    Lotto numero 7
    Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Reagent Cost 19%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 8%
    Fire Resist 14%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 11%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48

    Lotto numero 8
    Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Lower Reagent Cost 16%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 22%
    Cold Resist 22%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 41

    Lotto numero 9
    Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Il Sarto
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Lower Reagent Cost 20%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 17%
    Energy Resist 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 38 / 48

    Lotto numero 10
    Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Modernette
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Lower Reagent Cost 19%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 12%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 12%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46

    Lotto numero 11
    Barbed Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Il Creatore
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 14%
    Poison Resist 21%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 36 / 36

    Lotto numero 12
    Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Lord Ivan II
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 16%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42



    Per lo scambio è da concordare.. 1a1 ma se è piu valido il vostro pezzo posso vedere di offrire o soldi o 2 pezzi miei...

    Contattatemi nei miei contacs!
    Lord Apo Uth DarkSoul [AD]
    I Damned Knight,
    Army of Death
    In Game: Fury di Xerxes
    [PUBBLICITA'] Vendor a Luna Pieni di Armor da Barbed Kit a Poco Prezzo Uscita a Est!

  • #2
    UP! Ragazzi ho di tutto oltre a questi qua... Contattatemi se voleve Aricchirvi!
    Lord Apo Uth DarkSoul [AD]
    I Damned Knight,
    Army of Death
    In Game: Fury di Xerxes
    [PUBBLICITA'] Vendor a Luna Pieni di Armor da Barbed Kit a Poco Prezzo Uscita a Est!


    • #3
      Uppo! Con Le stesse Carratteristiche vanno bene anche dei Leggins!
      Lord Apo Uth DarkSoul [AD]
      I Damned Knight,
      Army of Death
      In Game: Fury di Xerxes
      [PUBBLICITA'] Vendor a Luna Pieni di Armor da Barbed Kit a Poco Prezzo Uscita a Est!


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