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[ASTA] barbed runic armor

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  • [ASTA] barbed runic armor

    72 h d u o

    Lotto numero 2
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Luck 86
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 17%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 3
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 57
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Stamina Increase 5
    Physical Resist 18%
    Fire Resist 14%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 4
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 4%
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 20%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 5
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 4
    Stamina Increase 4
    Physical Resist 15%
    Fire Resist 10%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 14%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 6
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Night Sight
    Reflect Physical Damage 13%
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 12%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 22%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 7
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Reflect Physical Damage 9%
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 22%
    Cold Resist 13%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 8
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Self Repair 2
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 22%
    Energy Resist 18%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 9
    Horned Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Mana Increase 5
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 23%
    Cold Resist 21%
    Poison Resist 16%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 10
    Horned Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Luck 53
    Mana Increase 6
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 11
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Mana Increase 8
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 13%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 12
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Night Sight
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 17%
    Poison Resist 18%
    Energy Resist 5%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 13
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Self Repair 3
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 17%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 15%
    Energy Resist 13%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 14
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Luck 70
    Reflect Physical Damage 13%
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 15%
    Fire Resist 22%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 5%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 15
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Luck 74
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 10%
    Cold Resist 18%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 16%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k

    Lotto numero 17
    Horned Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 4 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Luck 53
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 18
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Night Sight
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 15%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 39
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k

    Lotto numero 20
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 7%
    Mana Increase 4
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 10%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 19%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 16-12-2007, 12:42.

  • #2
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 7%
    Mana Increase 4
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 10%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 19%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 21
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Mana Increase 6
    Night Sight
    Self Repair 3
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 16%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 22
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 60
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 18%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 17%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 23
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Reflect Physical Damage 9%
    Stamina Increase 4
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 8%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 5%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 25
    Horned Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 57
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 11%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 36 / 36
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 27
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Mana Cost 7%
    Reflect Physical Damage 11%
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 5
    Stamina Increase 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 5%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k

    Lotto numero 29
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Mana Increase 7
    Night Sight
    Reflect Physical Damage 10%
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 12%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 30
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Reflect Physical Damage 11%
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 19%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 31
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Reagent Cost 11%
    Reflect Physical Damage 7%
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 21%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 32
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Mana Cost 8%
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Self Repair 3
    Stamina Increase 6
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 33
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Luck 71
    Mana Increase 4
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Physical Resist 13%
    Fire Resist 23%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 34
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Stamina Increase 7
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 8%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 35
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Lower Mana Cost 5%
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 9%
    Cold Resist 16%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 36
    Horned Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Night Sight
    Reflect Physical Damage 7%
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 19%
    Cold Resist 20%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 5%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 37
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 94
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 14%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 15%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 38
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 7%
    Reflect Physical Damage 15%
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 19%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 23%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 39
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 58
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 20%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 14%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Lotto numero 40
    Horned Leather Cap
    Crafted By Sledge Hammer
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Reflect Physical Damage 6%
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 16%
    Poison Resist 23%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 31-12-2007, 14:41.


    • #3
      Lotto numero 41
      Horned Leather Cap
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Lower Reagent Cost 10%
      Luck 75
      Self Repair 4
      Physical Resist 14%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 6%
      Energy Resist 5%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 40 / 40
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 42
      Horned Leather Cap
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Hit Point Increase 4
      Luck 65
      Mana Regeneration 1
      Hit Point Regeneration 1
      Physical Resist 7%
      Fire Resist 9%
      Cold Resist 5%
      Poison Resist 5%
      Energy Resist 20%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 36 / 36
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 43
      Horned Leather Cap
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Stamina Regeneration 3
      Physical Resist 15%
      Fire Resist 23%
      Cold Resist 5%
      Poison Resist 18%
      Energy Resist 16%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 39 / 39
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 44
      Horned Leather Cap
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Night Sight
      Reflect Physical Damage 7%
      Self Repair 3
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 22%
      Energy Resist 17%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 46 / 46
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 45
      Horned Leather Cap
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Mana Increase 6
      Reflect Physical Damage 11%
      Stamina Regeneration 2
      Physical Resist 5%
      Fire Resist 21%
      Cold Resist 5%
      Poison Resist 6%
      Energy Resist 5%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 42 / 42
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 46
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Luck 100
      Mana Increase 6
      Night Sight
      Stamina Regeneration 3
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 8%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 6%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 40 / 40
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 47
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Mana Increase 4
      Mana Regeneration 2
      Night Sight
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 19%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 15%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 41 / 41
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 48
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Mana Increase 5
      Reflect Physical Damage 7%
      Hit Point Regeneration 2
      Stamina Increase 6
      Physical Resist 7%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 12%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 6%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 42 / 42
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 49
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Lower Mana Cost 4%
      Mana Increase 6
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 8%
      Cold Resist 15%
      Poison Resist 17%
      Energy Resist 8%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 46 / 46
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 50
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Luck 87
      Mana Increase 6
      Stamina Regeneration 3
      Physical Resist 5%
      Fire Resist 20%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 18%
      Energy Resist 6%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 41 / 41
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 51
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 3
      Mana Increase 6
      Self Repair 4
      Stamina Increase 7
      Physical Resist 16%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 6%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 8%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 42 / 42
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 52
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 3
      Mana Regeneration 1
      Night Sight
      Reflect Physical Damage 7%
      Self Repair 5
      Physical Resist 5%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 8%
      Energy Resist 5%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 48 / 48
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 53
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Lower Reagent Cost 9%
      Mana Regeneration 1
      Stamina Regeneration 3
      Self Repair 3
      Stamina Increase 7
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 7%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 47 / 47
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 54
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 3
      Night Sight
      Reflect Physical Damage 7%
      Stamina Regeneration 2
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 8%
      Cold Resist 5%
      Poison Resist 16%
      Energy Resist 5%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 48 / 48
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 55
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 5
      Luck 45
      Mana Increase 8
      Physical Resist 7%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 5%
      Poison Resist 7%
      Energy Resist 16%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 47 / 47
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 56
      Horned Leather Gorget
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 4
      Hit Point Regeneration 2
      Physical Resist 5%
      Fire Resist 18%
      Cold Resist 21%
      Poison Resist 6%
      Energy Resist 19%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 48 / 48
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 57
      Horned Leather Leggings
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 4 Stones
      Lower Mana Cost 4%
      Mana Increase 4
      Reflect Physical Damage 12%
      Physical Resist 15%
      Fire Resist 8%
      Cold Resist 6%
      Poison Resist 5%
      Energy Resist 18%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 39 / 39
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 58
      Horned Leather Sleeves
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Hit Point Increase 4
      Stamina Increase 5
      Physical Resist 4%
      Fire Resist 17%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 17%
      Energy Resist 5%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 42 / 42
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 59
      Horned Leather Sleeves
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 2 Stones
      Hit Point Regeneration 2
      Self Repair 4
      Physical Resist 14%
      Fire Resist 7%
      Cold Resist 6%
      Poison Resist 16%
      Energy Resist 17%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 48 / 48
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 60
      Horned Leather Gloves
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Night Sight
      Reflect Physical Damage 10%
      Self Repair 3
      Physical Resist 6%
      Fire Resist 22%
      Cold Resist 7%
      Poison Resist 21%
      Energy Resist 6%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 41 / 41
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k
      Lotto numero 61
      Horned Leather Gloves
      Crafted By Sledge Hammer
      Weight: 1 Stone
      Hit Point Increase 4
      Lower Mana Cost 4%
      Mana Regeneration 2
      Physical Resist 5%
      Fire Resist 8%
      Cold Resist 19%
      Poison Resist 6%
      Energy Resist 7%
      Durability 20%
      Strength Requirement 20
      Durability 36 / 36
      Base: 200k
      Rilanci: 100k


      • #4
        base 19 : 200k

        "Well, i'm so tired of crying
        but i'm out on the road again.
        I didn't have no payroll,
        not even no place to go."

        Originariamente inviato da Tarakan
        Vendo carretto dei gelati con incluso nel prezzo quell'uomo che gridava...
        Prezzo interessante no perditempo..


        • #5
          28 16 base


          • #6
            lotto 19 offro 300k
            lotto 26 offro 200k
            [Amdir]IRREGOLARE[/Amdir] <---- :*

            ICQ: 651970364

            QuEiN CoNtAdInO Della Famiglia Contadino!!


            • #7


              • #8
                26 300k


                • #9



                  • #10
                    28 400k


                    • #11
                      26 500k
                      THE END


                      • #12
                        lotto 19 500k


                        • #13
                          grigoire win 28 400k, 16 200K
                          Ultima modifica di fnurov; 13-12-2007, 11:25.


                          • #14
                            numero 28 e 16 consegnato
                            Ultima modifica di Gringoire; 13-12-2007, 11:25.


                            • #15


                              Sto operando...