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[ASTA] <-19 Pezzi Da Barbed SgRaVeLLi->

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  • [ASTA] <-19 Pezzi Da Barbed SgRaVeLLi->

    Lotto numero 1
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Lower Reagent Cost 20%
    Lower Requirements 60%
    Luck 75
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 8
    Durability 47 / 47
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 2
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 90%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 67 / 67
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 500k
    Lotto numero 3
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Reagent Cost 17%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Reflect Physical Damage 11%
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 22%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 4
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Lower Requirements 90%
    Mana Increase 4
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 15%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 2
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 2kk
    Lotto numero 5
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Mana Cost 8%
    Luck 69
    Reflect Physical Damage 8%
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 20%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 39
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 6
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Luck 98
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 15%
    Poison Resist 21%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 36 / 36
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 7
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Mana Cost 7%
    Mana Increase 6
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 15%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 48
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 8
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Crafted By Aren
    Luck 98
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 20%
    Cold Resist 17%
    Poison Resist 12%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 46 / 46
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 500k
    Lotto numero 9
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The LeGGenD
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Lower Mana Cost 5%
    Luck 73
    Self Repair 3
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 21%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 10
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The LeGGenD
    Luck 84
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 21%
    Energy Resist 16%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 40
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 11
    Exceptional Horned Leather Cap
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Luck 34
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 16%
    Fire Resist 20%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 5%
    Energy Resist 6%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 240 / 255
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 12
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Mana Cost 8%
    Mana Increase 6
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 14%
    Poison Resist 20%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 80%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 69 / 69
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 13
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Pantufflo
    Lower Reagent Cost 18%
    Night Sight
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 21%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 14 Consegnato
    Lotto numero 15
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Elizabeth Armani
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Mana Increase 6
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 18%
    Cold Resist 9%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 244 / 255
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 2kk
    Lotto numero 16
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Mana Increase 8
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 19%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 39
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 17
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Lower Reagent Cost 18%
    Night Sight
    Stamina Regeneration 3
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 19%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 1kk
    Lotto numero 18
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By Efesto
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 15%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 19%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 4kk
    Lotto numero 19
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Crafted By Giocondo
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 16%
    Fire Resist 13%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 62 / 64
    Base: 200k
    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
    Instant Win: 4kk

    Lasciate MsN non uso icq....
    Termine 48 ore
    Ultima modifica di DjSaMbUcO; 04-03-2007, 20:11.
    LyNx ThE SuBLiMe

  • #2
    17 base

    @se vinco ti contatto via pm non ho msn


    • #3
      lotto n 8 base
      icq 324860102


      • #4
        1 base(200k)


        • #5
          14 base
          [ICQ] 367-166-164


          • #6
            lotto 1 300k
            lotto 15 base

            Powered by Virgo


            • #7
              16 100k
              14 rilancio a 300k


              • #8
                12base se vinco icq 480170515


                Consiglio Vivamente Lou Bellucci Per Tutti!!!


                • #9
                  base 13
                  icq 498-206-334

                  Semplicemente bentornati Monk


                  • #10
                    Lotto numero 14
                    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
                    Base: 200k
                    Rilanci Minimi: 100k
                    Instant Win: 1kk


                    icq 219-470-388

                    edit: msn
                    Ultima modifica di Rusiel206; 03-03-2007, 13:31.

                    A volte tornano....


                    • #11
                      9 base
                      ICQ 292 283 049
                      UO ruined my life.


                      • #12
                        9) 300k


                        • #13
                          lotto 6 base


                          • #14
                            lotto 3 base
                            contatti in profilo


                            • #15
                              ho vinto il lotto 16 sambuco contatami al + presto, entro domenica altrimenti x tutta la settimana nn sarò disponibile, i miei contatti sono in firma


                              Sto operando...