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[ASTA]Alcuni pezzi da horned carini

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  • [ASTA]Alcuni pezzi da horned carini

    Lotto numero 1
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The Slave Of Ugo
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Self Repair 3
    Physical Resist 14%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 32 / 39
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci: 30k
    Instant Win:
    Lotto numero 2
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The Slave Of Ugo
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 17%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 48 / 48
    Base: 150k
    Rilanci: 30k
    Instant Win:
    Lotto numero 3
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The Slave Of Ugo
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 13%
    Cold Resist 15%
    Poison Resist 16%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45
    Base: 300k
    Rilanci: 100k
    Instant Win:
    Lotto numero 4
    Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Weight: 1 Stone
    Crafted By The Slave Of Ugo
    Hit Point Increase 4
    Lower Mana Cost 6%
    Physical Resist 10%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 15%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40
    Base: 100k
    Rilanci: 30k
    Instant Win:

    fine asta 24h dopo ultima offerta
    [Amdir]IRREGOLARE[/Amdir] <---- :*

    ICQ: 651970364

    QuEiN CoNtAdInO Della Famiglia Contadino!!
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