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[ASTA] Pezzi seriamente interessanti

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  • [ASTA] Pezzi seriamente interessanti

    Base per ogni pezzo: 100k
    Rilancio minimo per ogni pezzo: 50k
    No IW
    Termine Asta: 24 dopo ultima offerta


    1) Vinta da: Kill_Adder



    1) crafted by el santos
    lower requirements 50%
    mana regeneration 2
    night sight
    self repair 5
    stamina increase 8
    physical resist 5%
    fire resist 6%
    cold resist 6%
    poison resist 7%
    energy resist 9%
    durability 20%
    strength requirement 10
    durability 45 / 45

    2) crafted by el santos
    reflect physical damage 9%
    hit point regeneration 2
    physical resist 4%
    fire resist 5%
    cold resist 13%
    poison resist 9%
    energy resist 18%
    durability 20%
    strength requirement 20
    durability 42 / 42

    3) Vinta da: Noricum


    4) Vinta da: Helix



    1) Vinta da: Tank Girl


    2) crafted by el santos
    lower reagent cost 9%
    luck 58
    mana regeneration 2
    physical resist 7%
    fire resist 5%
    cold resist 6%
    poison resist 7%
    energy resist 17%
    durability 20%
    strength requirement 20
    durability 35 / 42

    3) Vinta da: Rob



    1) crafted by el santos
    mana increase 4
    mana regeneration 1
    reflect physical damage 9%
    stamina regeneration 2
    physical resist 5%
    fire resist 6%
    cold resist 6%
    poison resist 7%
    energy resist 9%
    durability 20%
    strength requirement 20
    durability 36 / 36

    2) Vinta da: Kill_Adder


    3) crafted by el santos
    hit point increase 4
    reflect physical damage 10%
    hit point regeneration 2
    physical resist 4%
    fire resist 5%
    cold resist 20%
    poison resist 9%
    energy resist 10%
    durability 20%
    strength requirement 20
    durability 48 / 48

    Lasciare ICQ
    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 22-09-2005, 17:46.

  • #2
    compro numero 1 gorgrt mio icq 292-558-087

    anzi chiudi scuzami
    Ultima modifica di blackdraco; 12-09-2005, 22:39.


    • #3
      4) crafted by el santos
      lower mana cost 4%
      lower requirements 100%
      mana increase 5
      stamina increase 7
      physical resist 4%
      fire resist 7%
      cold resist 5%
      poison resist 8%
      energy resist 22%
      durability 20%
      durability 41 / 41

      ICQ : 89341048 - Tnx a R||n@ per la firma

      Raduno Palermo-Catania 04/11/2005
      Aido : mò sego sta pizza..mmm sta pizza ha troppa durability


      • #4
        gorget 3) base.


        • #5
          base 2 gloves
          KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


          • #6
            base 1 leggins
            150k 3 gorget
            Ultima modifica di kill_adder; 13-09-2005, 12:33.
            KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


            • #7
              gorget 3 200k
              icq lo hai ^^


              • #8
                g3) 300k


                • #9
                  gorget 3 350k


                  • #10
                    Situazione attuale:

                    Helix - Gorget 4 (100k) Vinta

                    Kill_Adder - Gloves 2 (100k) Vinta - CONSEGNATO
                    Leggings 1 (100k) Vinta - CONSEGNATO

                    Noricum - Gorget 3 (350k)
                    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 14-09-2005, 15:25.


                    • #11
                      gorget 3 400k

                      ICQ:324651546 Un GRAZIE a Michele per la Firma


                      • #12
                        ok vinto gorget 3 stasera dopo mangiato ci sono fammi sapere

                        ICQ:324651546 Un GRAZIE a Michele per la Firma


                        • #13
                          1) crafted by el santos
                          reflect physical damage 10%
                          stamina regeneration 2
                          stamina increase 4
                          physical resist 4%
                          fire resist 6%
                          cold resist 15%
                          poison resist 21%
                          energy resist 10%
                          durability 20%
                          strength requirement 20
                          durability 42 / 42



                          • #14
                            1) crafted by el santos
                            reflect physical damage 10%
                            stamina regeneration 2
                            stamina increase 4
                            physical resist 4%
                            fire resist 6%
                            cold resist 15%
                            poison resist 21%
                            energy resist 10%
                            durability 20%
                            strength requirement 20
                            durability 42 / 42



                            • #15
                              1) crafted by el santos
                              reflect physical damage 10%
                              stamina regeneration 2
                              stamina increase 4
                              physical resist 4%
                              fire resist 6%
                              cold resist 15%
                              poison resist 21%
                              energy resist 10%
                              durability 20%
                              strength requirement 20
                              durability 42 / 42

                              icq 217-562-245


                              Sto operando...