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[ASTA] Pezzi kit barbed base 50 k

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  • [ASTA] Pezzi kit barbed base 50 k

    Per tutti i pezzi in questione la BASE E' 50k con un

    mio icq 345380812

    1)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Night Sight
    Self Repair 3
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 19%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 41 / 41

    2)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Requirements 100%
    Luck 43
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Stamina Increase 7
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 21%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Durability 41 / 41

    3)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Night Sight
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 14%
    Poison Resist 16%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 39 / 39

    4)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Stamina Increase 8
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 19%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 90%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 76 / 76

    5)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Requirements 60%
    Self Repair 5
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 22%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 22%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 8
    Durability 45 / 45

    6)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Hit Point Increase 5
    Lower Reagent Cost 12%
    Luck 69
    Mana Increase 8
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40

    7)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Lower Reagent Cost 20%
    Night Sight
    Reflect Physical Damage 8%
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 8%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45

    8)Barbed Leather Leggings
    Lower Mana Cost 3%
    Lower Reagent Cost 12%
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 10%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 10%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 7 / 42

    9)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Hit Point Increase 3
    Lower Reagent Cost 14%
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 10%
    Poison Resist 9%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 41 / 41

    10)Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Mefisto
    Hit Point Increase 2
    Lower Mana Cost 4%
    Lower Reagent Cost 12%
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 21%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 42 / 42

    11)Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Mana Cost 4%
    Lower Reagent Cost 14%
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 7%
    Durability 90%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 65 / 65

    12)Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Reagent Cost 19%
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 17%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 120%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 77 / 77

    13)Exceptional Barbed Leather Sleeves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Night Sight
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 22%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 19%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 41 / 41

    14)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Reagent Cost 12%
    Mana Increase 4
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Self Repair 4
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 19%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 40 / 40

    15)Exceptional Barbed Arcane Gloves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 6%
    Fire Resist 11%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 6%
    Energy Resist 18%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45
    Arcane Charges: 24 / 24

    16)Exceptional Barbed Leather Leggings
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Night Sight
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 17%
    Fire Resist 6%
    Cold Resist 6%
    Poison Resist 20%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 41 / 41

    17)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Reagent Cost 7%
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Hit Point Regeneration 1
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 8%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 16%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 45 / 45

    18)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Reagent Cost 11%
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 13%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 17%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 36 / 36

    19)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gloves
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Hit Point Increase 2
    Lower Reagent Cost 13%
    Stamina Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 8%
    Poison Resist 7%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 90%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 63 / 63

    20)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Luck 94
    Mana Regeneration 1
    Night Sight
    Physical Resist 5%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 5%
    Poison Resist 13%
    Energy Resist 10%
    Durability 100%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 68 / 68

    21)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Mana Cost 5%
    Lower Reagent Cost 12%
    Mana Regeneration 2
    Reflect Physical Damage 13%
    Physical Resist 4%
    Fire Resist 7%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 12%
    Energy Resist 9%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 20
    Durability 47 / 47

    22)Exceptional Barbed Leather Gorget
    Crafted By Calcestrunzo
    Lower Requirements 80%
    Luck 77
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Physical Resist 7%
    Fire Resist 5%
    Cold Resist 7%
    Poison Resist 15%
    Energy Resist 8%
    Durability 20%
    Strength Requirement 4
    Durability 46 / 46
    NOTA PER LE QUEST: Dark Lotus nel forum, Aristotele in Game

    ICQ : 345380812

    Chiamatemi se vinco aste o per consegna items

  • #2
    21 Base
    ICQ in profilo
    KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


    • #3
      7) base

      ICQ:324651546 Un GRAZIE a Michele per la Firma


      • #4
        21) 100k
        icq 207931902


        • #5
          21) 150k
          KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


          • #6
            NOTA PER LE QUEST: Dark Lotus nel forum, Aristotele in Game

            ICQ : 345380812

            Chiamatemi se vinco aste o per consegna items


            • #7
              ho vinto il 21
              ICQ in profilo
              KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


              • #8
                pezzi 21 consegnato
                l'asta va avanti
                NOTA PER LE QUEST: Dark Lotus nel forum, Aristotele in Game

                ICQ : 345380812

                Chiamatemi se vinco aste o per consegna items


                • #9
                  NOTA PER LE QUEST: Dark Lotus nel forum, Aristotele in Game

                  ICQ : 345380812

                  Chiamatemi se vinco aste o per consegna items


                  • #10
                    13 (sleeves)
                    BASE (50k)


                    • #11
                      13(sleeves) 100k
                      Om Mani Padme Hum


                      • #12
                        my icq 217-562-245


                        • #13
                          13(sleeves) 200k
                          Om Mani Padme Hum


                          • #14
                            icq 217-562-245


                            • #15
                              13(sleeves) 300k
                              Om Mani Padme Hum


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