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*** Market Forum Ruleset ***

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  • *** Market Forum Ruleset ***

    Market Forum Ruleset

    Only the threads which are specified in this ruleset are allowed on Markeplace Forum.
    The use of euros or any other way of real payment is absolutely forbidden.

    TAG e title of the thread

    1 - Allowed TAGs
    You MUST prepend an identifier (TAG) at the start of the thread title.
    It's forbidden to omit the TAG.
    You can use only one of the following TAG:
    The tag MUST be written following the format given above.
    So, neither lower-case letters nor non-squared parenthesis are allowed.
    Furthermore, the union of more than one tag is prohibited (like [COMPRO/SCAMBIO]) or any stylization.
    Penalty: edit of the title or thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    2 - Market Forum sections and TAG
    The following TAG
    can be used only in Auctioneer section of the Marketplace Forum.

    The following TAG
    can be used in every section of Marketplace Forum excepting the Auctioneer section.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    3 - Title of the thread
    It's forbidden to write a generic or a non-significantly defined title in a thread.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    General clarifications

    1 - Marketplace Forum is open for everyone.
    It's forbidden to deny anybody the right to take part in any trade.
    Penalty: post edit.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    2 - Maximum numbers of threads
    It's forbidden to keep more than 3 threads opened in the same section of the marketplace.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    General duties

    1 - Duty to write contacts
    The thread author is DUE to WRITE a contact (msn, icq, ecc...) inside the body of the first post of the new thread at the opening of a thread.
    The answerer is DUE to contact the starter author through the contacts that can be found written in first thread post.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    General inhibitions

    1 - Inhibition of trading nonexistent items or with random props
    It's forbidden to open new threads to trade nonexistent items or not present in game.
    It's forbidden to trade items with random properties or not well defined at the open of the thread.
    Penalty: edit and thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion monetary fine or jail in addition.

    2 - Inhibition of extraforum contact requents
    It's forbidden to ask someone for being contacted/contact extra-forum in order to reach an agreement outside the forum.
    It's forbidden to ask for contacts when a thread ends (for example after somebody wins an auction).
    Penalty: thread edit and 100k fine.
    in case of reiterated violations the total fine can be doubled.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.

    3 - Inhibition about useless replyes
    It's forbidden to reply for reasons which do not regard the thread intention.
    It's forbidden to judge the thread starter choices.
    It's forbidden to make posts whose aim is to up irregularly a thread.
    Penalty: post edit and 100k fine.
    at moderator’s discretion thread closure.
    in case of reiterated violations the total fine can be doubled.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.
    Ultima modifica di marKu; 01-10-2009, 22:27.

  • #2
    Pay attention WHEN you post!

    1 - Irregular UP
    It's forbidden to reply bumping a thread more than once in 24h since the last post in the thread.
    NO EXCUSES will be accepted.
    Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP".

    Example of regular up:
    A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00.
    A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again.

    Example of irregular up:
    A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00
    A make up before 23.00 of the following day.

    Penalty: 100k fine for every irregular up.
    at moderator’s discretion thread closure.
    in case of reiterated violations the total fine can be doubled.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail for every irregular up in addition.

    2 - Auto thread closure
    A thread will be considered closed after 72h since the last thread author reply.
    A new UP of the starter will open it again.
    Every bid made in closed or nullified threads are invalid.

    3 - Minimum thread run time
    A thread must have a 24h minimum run time.
    A rule chosen by the starter that states a lesser run that is nullified.
    Penalty: post edit.

    Unfulfillings and jointly liables

    1 - Terms of deliver and withdrawal
    It's forbidden to DON'T deliver/retrieve any good/service after that you reach an agreement for that good/service for whatever reason.
    You MUST give/retrieve the item/service within 72hours since the trade is closed.
    A private agreement can extend this period.
    Penalty: monetary sanction as great as the value of the non deliverd/retrived item/service.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.

    2 - Jointly Liables
    Will be punished at the same way all people that will be liable jointly for acting to the detriment of other people or to obtain a wronful advantage.

    Bid and retrive an offer

    1 - Make a bid
    Offerers who bid must:
    - write what item are they bidding for
    - specify the offer they want to make.
    It's forbidden to omit the reference to the item it's bidding for.
    It's forbidden to omit the unit of measurement of the monetary bid (writing "I offer 1" instead of the correct form "I offer 1gp,1k,1kk").
    Penalty: nullification of the offer.
    at moderator’s discretion monetary sanction or jail.

    2 - Retrive or modify a bid

    2.1 It's forbidden for the thread author to modify or add any trading rule about goods/services tade after someone has made an offer for those goods/services.
    Penalty: edit of the thread that will be reinstated to the moment of the offer and monetary sanction as great as 50% of the value theitem had in that monent.

    2.2 It's forbidden for the thread author to retrive goods/services from the trade after someone has made an offer for those goods/services.
    Penalty: monetary sanction as great as 50% of the value that item had in that monent and 1 day of jail.

    2.3 It's forbidden to modity or retrive an offer for a good/service 2 hours late of their own offering.
    Penalty: nullification of the offer and monetary sanction as great as the retrived offer.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.

    3 - Grammar/numeric mistakes
    Any grammatical or numerical mistake that leads to misinterpretate of what you put on the market or the value of the sale can not be disputed by anyone once an offer is made.
    Penalty: post edit.
    at moderator’s discretion monetary sanction.

    About SOP SOS and Artifacts

    Modifica sostanziale al Mercato - Prendere visione
    Modifica Mercato Importante

    1 - Forum & Artifacts
    It's forbidden to trade/swap artifacts/sop/sos in every section of the marketplace forum excepting the Auctioneer section.
    It's allowed to trade SOP/SOS/Artifacts ONLY in subsection AUCTIONER of the Marketplace Forum.
    Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.
    at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.

    2 - What is Artifact
    You can fine the Artifact List in Marketplace Forum Brief

    Sanctions and unexpected situations

    1 - Sanctions
    Maximum sanction is based on the damage caused by breaking one of the rules of the Marketplace Forum.
    The monetary damage is based on the maximum value that a good reachs in the thread where that good is traded.
    The sanction for the monetary damage (monetary sanction) goes from 50% to 100% of the total monetary damage.
    If the transgressor can’t afford the fine, his whole account will be put in jail for a period that will vary from a minimum of 1 day depending on the gravity of the monetary fine or in worst cases his account will be wiped.
    The minimum fine for monetary sanction is 100k.

    2 - Unexpected situations
    The STAFF has full decisional power in situations which aren't expected from these rules.
    Ultima modifica di marKu; 01-10-2009, 22:27.


    • #3
      [ASTA] [AUCTION]
      In this kind of thread the thread author auctions goods that the offerers contends each other with sequential rising price bids following rules that the auctioneer has choosed.
      - The thread author MUST specify in the starter post what goods he puts in auction and he must specify their auction base price.
      - The thread author MAY specify an Istant Win price. If a player offers that price, he will win the auction for the items he is bidding for instantly.
      - The auction ends with an IstantWin or when it expires.
      - The auctioneer MAY specify how many hours after the last valid offer for an item the auction for that item will end.
      If that term is missing the auction will end 24 hours after the last valid offer.

      Specific rules:

      1. You may NOT omit the auction base price.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. You may NOT offer/bid if the offerer account lacks the founds to cover the offer.
      Example: A offers 10kk B bids 11kk; A must have at least 10kk on the account; B 11kk.
      Penalty: monetary sanction as great as the bid and nullification of the offer.

      3. You may NOT set an end for the auction greeater than 7 days and smaller than 24 hours after the last valid offer.
      Penalty: the auction will end 24h after the last valid offer.

      4. You may NOT withdraw a bid for a good in auction after 2 hours late since its own offer.
      Penalty: monetary sanction as great as the bid and 1 day of jail.

      If the last offer is invalid or nullified a moderator will step in:

      - he will state with a reply what is tha last valid offer and how much it is.
      the auction will start anew from that offer.
      the other players can post to raise thair bids from that offer.

      - the moderator will propose to the poster of tha last valid offer,
      only if he wants and if nobody has made any subsequent and greater bid,
      that he can represent his bid with a new reply reproposing the same offer.

      - if 48 hours late since the moderator post nobody make a new bid or the offerer of the last valid offer doesn't represent his last offer the auction is nullified.

      5. You may NOT re-open an auction after it has been closed, setting the base price as the last offer of the closed auction.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      6. You may NOT omit the valuations for items allowed as alternative payments.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      All of the bids made in an irregular auction are nullified.
      The offerer should avoid to bid in irregular auctions. (es. Thread with irregular TAG, irregular UP, etc...).
      Complaints about this issue will be ignored.

      [VENDO] [SALE]
      In this kind of thread the thread author sells items at a chosed price.

      Specific rules:

      1. You may specify a selling price.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. You may NOT omit the valuations for items allowed as alternative payments.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      [COMPRO] [BUY]
      In this kind of thread the thread author wants to buy a specific good/service.
      The thread author must specify how much money he offers and the evaluation of the items he want.
      In this kind of thread:

      Specific rules:

      1. You may specify a purchase price.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. The purchaser MAY NOT refuse an offer that matchs their own requests and he is forced to buy from the first valid bidder.
      Penalty: obligation of carrying out the trade with the first bidder valid.
      If the trade cannot be completed will be enforced the sanctions for non-delivering.

      3. You may NOT omit the valuations for items allowed as alternative payments.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      In this kind of thread the thread author can trade an item swap.
      The thread author must specify exactly what items he offers and what items he wants to trade with.

      Specific rules:

      1. You may NOT omit the list of items traded.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. You may NOT write a monetary evaluation of the items traded in the thread.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      3. You may NOT use money as payment at all.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      In this kind of thread the thread author can advertise its in-game vendor or an on request service (for example "I sell leather on request").
      The 72 hours term for item deliver/retrive is not valid in this kind of thread.

      Specific rules:

      1. You MAY specify what you are promoting.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. You may NOT write a monetary evaluation of the items traded in the thread.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      [CERCO] [SEEK]
      In this kind of thread the thread author can ask for a particular item that can be bought ONLY using the Auctioner System and who answers MAY post the link to their own in-game auction.

      Specific rules:

      1. You may post ONLY an in-game auction link of an request matching item.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      2. The thread author may NOT write contacts or have them in signature.
      Penalty: thread closure and 100k fine.

      3. The bidders may NOT write contacts or have them in signature.
      Penalty: post edit and 100k fine.

      In this kind of thread the thread author HAS to post a link of an in-game Auctioner System and can provide SHORT details (like bod type or item colour).

      Specific rules:

      1. You may NOT omit the link to the in-game auction.
      Penalty: thread closure.

      2. You may NOT write mendacious informations about the linked auction (ex. wrong colour).
      Penalty: monetary sanction as great as the base of the auction in the auctioner and 1 day of jail.

      3. The thread author/the bidders may NOT write contacts (msn, ICQ, ... ) or have them in signature.
      Penalty: post edit and 100k fine.

      Auctioneer's Rules

      1. Every attemp to misrepresent a Game-Auction giving wrong descriptions will be punished with a minimium sanction of 10-day of jail.
      Ultima modifica di marKu; 01-10-2009, 22:28.


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