Irregular UP
You MAY NOT reply bumping a thread more than once in 24h since the last post in the thread.
NO EXCUSES will be accepted.
Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP".
Penalty: 100k fine for every irregular up. at moderator’s discretion thread closure. in case of reiterated violations the total fine can be doubled. at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail for every irregular up in addition.
and more
Duty to write contacts
The thread author is MAY WRITE a contact (msn, icq, ecc...) inside the body of the first post of the new thread at the opening of a thread.
The answerer MAY contact the starter author through the contacts that can be found written in first thread post. Penalty: thread closure. at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.