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    Edit by Marku
    Ultima modifica di marKu; 03-05-2009, 21:20.

  • #2
    TAG e title of the thread
    1 - Allowed TAGs
    You MAY prepend an identifier (TAG) at the start of the thread title.
    You MAY NOT omit the TAG.
    You MAY use only one of the following TAG:
    The tag MUST be written following the format given above.
    So, neither lower-case letters nor non-squared parenthesis are allowed.
    Furthermore, the union of more than one tag is prohibited (like [COMPRO/SCAMBIO]) or any stylization.
    Penalty: edit of the title or thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.

    and more

    Duty to write contacts
    The thread author is MAY WRITE a contact (msn, icq, ecc...) inside the body of the first post of the new thread at the opening of a thread.
    The answerer MAY contact the starter author through the contacts that can be found written in first thread post.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.
    osa1991 read the RULES before you open other thread.


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